Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

We also got financial aid verification email. First verification was about name, ssn etc through OSCAR. After we submitted that, dependent verification came in, which we quickly finished. Not big deal, probably part of random FAFSA verification.

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Yes, that is the one asking to fill out financial aid application for 22-23 for them to look at financial aid package.

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We are a full pay, OOS family. The (few) institutional scholarships from GA Tech seem to require financial need - or am I misunderstanding this? I read their FA web pages several times and still not sure.

Tech does offer a handful of merit scholarships, most notably the Stamps which is full ride and includes a stipend.


Correct. :grin:

Here is another link with information on the Stamps, Gold, Provost and other merit scholarships.


@DramaMama2021 @Greatpyrmom Thanks for the links! the pure merit scholarships, such as Gold and Stamps , are selected from the general application pool. No FAFSA is required. However, only a 100 of these are awarded.


GT might not be the best option for advanced kids in math if they are interested in doing a math major. The courses and professors are good the issue is that GT only allows you to test out of 9 hours worth of courses.

Many of the competition math kids will not find some of the core math subjects challenging and GT is not willing to allow them to either test out and get credit or at least take a higher level math course instead.

That being said, almost all other aspects of life at GT seem to be very positive for my first year student.

We got the email as well. There were just a couple of boxes we had to click to attest to not seeking FA. I was worried I had to fill out a bunch of info knowing we are full pay.

Do you have to fill out FASFA for Stamps? Not required for most merit scholarships other places.

According to Tech’s website a FAFSA is required only if you are seeking need based aid. Since Stamps is merit based, it appears that you would not have to file. I’m giving the disclaimer that we are in state and have to file either FAFSA or GFSAPPS for Hope/Zell. My S22 would be lucky just to get into Tech let alone get Stamps :grin:

Is the GT application for scholarships and financial aid only for need based aid or do you need to fill it out if you want to be considered for merit as well?

I recall filling out a form asking about the type of aid requested, and one option was merit only. It stated that the CSS was not required if this was your only choice, which confirmed I didn’t need to send the CSS to GT.

I assume this is the same form.

I’m surprised to hear this as my student was ably to get credits for Ap calc BC, multivariable, discrete math, linear algebra and number theory.

Did your child took them in a community college or as dual enrollment?

My kid took Multivariable in HS and was fortunate to audit Linear Algebra at a top Liberal Arts college nearby when in tenth grade.

Math and computer programming competitions were a big part of middle and high school activities so also has a strong grasp of Number Theory, Combinatorics, Proof writing, etc.

He got credit for Calc 1 and 2 via his AP courses, tested out of Lin Alg plus CS 1331 which equates to 7 hours; GT limits “testing out” to 9. He’s taking Differential Equations this semester and breezing through.

Looks like it will not be possible for him to test out of any other math courses since he only has 2 hours remaining and other courses are 3 or 4 hours (he took Multi in HS and from looking at past exams he feels pretty confident he could test out). From reading the syllabi of several of the other core math courses it seems there is little challenge ahead until later which is a shame as he really likes math and was hoping to get challenged right away as opposed to having to repeat material…plus I get the added bonus of paying for him to repeat courses.

DS asked to take the test for Multi and if he gets a passing score then not asking for the credit hours, instead let him take a different higher level course but so far GT is quite inflexible. I can understand them not wanting someone to get too much credit as they get less tuition but he is not asking to take fewer hours so I do not understand their rationale? This aspect of GT has been quite disappointing.

As a former Tech grad and orientation leader I remember strongly suggesting not taking all credits from AP classes. I assure you they will be challenged In more basic classes but also able to excel based on their knowledge from their higher level courses in high school. This gives them a great base to start out. How great to start out easier your first semester as you adjust to college. I saw first hand the benefits both from a GPA standpoint and mental health standpoint. Ga tech is super challenging and it gets more challenging every semester so starting out with a higher GPA takes so much stress off. Now that I have a senior applying in the same boat as all of you I get wanting to save money but I know the benefit first hand of not taking every high school AP credit. Georgia Tech is an amazing school! Fingers crossed you all get good news! I am praying my daughter gets in! Go Jackets!


Oh that’s pretty sad, mine has applied for a math major with discrete concentration. Not sure if she’ll get in first of all (not a valedictorian in anyways) but nice school though.

I believe everyone’s case is different. In ours, DS has taken all AP credit and placed out of two classes via Advanced Standing Exams. From looking at the syllabi he feels quite confident he could test out of additional math classes which he would like to do. Not looking to take credit for them, instead take a higher level math class but this is not possible at GT. It is possible at other universities.

He is in the process of petitioning to do this. While he is very happy at GT socially, etc. To date, the academics have not really been where he thought they would be given the reputation.

He went to a boarding school during high school so did not struggle with the transition to living away from home that some struggle with. I do agree that for those away for the first time, a lighter load is advisable. Once again, he is quite happy with friends at GT and loves the campus etc, but the math dept in particular (and counselors) is disappointing.

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Oh yes everyone is different! I just wanted to add some context Of what I saw. Sounds like you son is very talented.

Georgia Tech admissions just tweeted that they received 31000+ applications for early action this year, which is a 12 percent increase over last year. No breakdown of in state v out of state. Going to be another tough year. Good luck y’all.


Wow! :open_mouth: yes, another tough year.

Thanks for the update @Greatpyrmom.