Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

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Is this on their website?


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And Twitter

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Wow! And they required test scores too this year. So I thought it would be lower. Possibly more international applicants . Think we’ll plan another visit to Rutgers…

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Will be interesting to see where that 12 percent uptick in applications is coming from. Agree that some of it must be international. Don’t know if you saw Rick Clark’s latest blog post, but he talks about expanding enrollment by offering first semester in China, France or England. Also notes that last year 20 percent of the class was offered a summer semester start. We are in state and I’m expecting that my S will be deferred. Feeling very grateful that he got into UGA last week.


52% uptick in first gen applicants will impact every applicant whose parents have college degree.
I will not be surprised if more students from the first gen category are given admissions.

Do countries of citizenship include green-card holders (since they are citizens of other countries)?

I am telling my child to apply to a few more colleges (hope they listen) - this year will be a crazy year.

Did you get an answer on this? I am also wondering if this CSS is required for potential merit aid.

I am curious to the 52% uptick but we need to know the context such as the number of applications previously.

Unfortunately, I could not find that number.

They did share that last year of the incoming students, 14% were first generation students. It translates to about 683 students out of 4,876 enrolled students.

They had over 45,000 applicants last year.
If I ASSUME half the percentage i.e. 7% as first gen applicants, then the number of such applicants is 3,150.
52% increase means 4,788 applicants.

Now, my assumption could be totally wrong and therefore these numbers.

Also, there is no break-up of pre- and post-Nov 1 applicant numbers.

I see that as a problem with applications and admissions numbers colleges publish. Without context, it is hard to understand the impact. A 100% increase from 1 to 2 looks great percentage wise but horrible number wise. And a 10% from 1000 to 1100 looks not so impressive percentage wise but has a bigger impact.

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my daughter also planning to add a few more schools to her list.


I may check another source to see if I can get some raw numbers.
Keep you posted.

Good for you.

MY child just rubbished my suggestion of adding more schools.

I shared that even the “safety” instate school has seen 50% increase in applications. But, nothing seemed to work.

No luck even with the common data set.

CDS reported 22,144 EA applicants for 2020 admissions, of 40,852 total.

Prior to the EA1, EA2 split, I believe, so this includes all students.

(27.6% admission rate, vs. 13.9% RD)

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CDS does not show first gen applicants data.

I am looking for it too and have not found the underlying data.

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I’m more interested on instate EA acceptance statistics. I guess we will see instate results on Dec 15th. Anyone has prior years stats on instate EA? Also, I believe regardless of applicant stats, top 2 students(Val/Sal) from any Georgia HS will get admitted automatically in to Tech

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52% uptick in first gen applicants will impact every applicant whose parents have college degree.

That depends. Is the acceptance rate higher for first gen applicants vs non-first gen? If not then this uptick doesn’t really impact other applicants.

Do countries of citizenship include green-card holders (since they are citizens of other countries)?

Yes, but from an admissions perspective they are handled the same as other US applicants if they are attending a high school in the US.