Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Congrats! Are you OOS or in-state?

Full Gold Carpet Day schedule :honeybee:

Yes I have one at Georgia Tech (engineer) and a freshman at UGA. The UGA kid is a business major and happy as a clam. He was the one offered the transfer pathway. His roommate is an engineering major and went into UGA thinking he would definitely transfer to Ga Tech. He too is happy as a clam and did not apply for a transfer either.

My GT son has had two great internships with large companies and worked with UGA interns at both jobs (and a KSU intern at one job). Lots of paths to the same point!


I have a child who is also interested in business and we visited both Scheller and Terry. The kids at scheller were able to get internships after their first year- one had a summer and fall internship- but at Terry, we were told most internships is after junior year.

Folks - Please help

We are planning our hotel bookings for the March 28 Gold Carpet Day.
All hotels near GT are expensive.

I am finding relatively cheaper hotels near Galleria / NW Cumberland area.
Is that area safe?

If you can, Iā€™d suggest staying at the Georgia Tech Hotel. Or close by. It will give you a better sense of the area.

Cumberland is a bit far. But safe.


Thank you. Appreciate your feedback.
GT Hotel is expensive for us for those days.
Since we will have a car, thinking of staying a little far to save some money.

The Galleria/Cumberland area is about 20 minutes (ETA: depending on traffic!) from Techā€¦ but an easy drive up I-75. It is a safe area with a lot of restaurants and activities, most notably the Braves Truist Park entertainment complex. For shopping, Cumberland Mall is not the best.

It could work if itā€™s just a place to lay your head, but I agree with others to spend as much time as possible in the area around Tech. We always did that on our college tours so my D could see typical student life.

ETA: I live about 15 minutes northwest of Tech (going toward Galleria/Cumberland) so am happy to try to answer questions about the area. I do not have a student at Tech so others can better answer questions about the student experience.


Thank you very much. Appreciate these inputs.
Itā€™s just a place to sleep overnight as we will be at GT the entire day and as everyone suggested will be exploring GT and nearby areas.

What days are you trying to book for? I wouldnā€™t stay downtown or around the school unless itā€™s in Midtown. Which direction are you coming from? Check in Buckhead too and see if you canā€™t find a good deal.

I am trying to book March 27-March 28.
I am coming from North maybe taking 1-75 S or 1-85 S.

Will check out Buckhead area hotels.

That is very much dependent on the student and is totally student driven. As a first year student it is definitely more of a challenge from both schools, but I do know several who have had excellent internships after the first year from UGA and know Scheller kids who have really struggled even after their second year, either not finding an internship or getting one in April or May. The fact of the matter is that the Terry network is enormous, and they have a different employer coming every single day all year long. Those alumni connections are helpful if you know how to work them. It is work though.

What I have seen as an outsider and after talking to my GT kid is internships are pretty hard to come by if youā€™ve never had one before. This is true whether you are starting as a first year or later in your schooling. My GT kid sent out well over 100 resumes to get his first internship despite strong interview skills and a 4.0 . That is very typical at GT, and the ones who are successful treat it as a full time job. You will hear that over and over. Once you have one under your belt it gets easier, but the first one is a challenge and you will hear routinely at Georgia Tech that companies generally do not hire first years. If you think about it logically that makes sense because as a first year they are enrolled in the core curriculum and have few career related skills.

Personally, I think the summer after your first year is the perfect time to go abroad as most abroad programs are geared to those earlier in their academic career and once you get further into your major it becomes almost impossible to go abroad and take credit worthy classes. Easier in business but engineering really canā€™t be taken abroad unless it is through an American university. That is my UGA sons plan, which actually fits well into his career goals as he plans to minor in a language and is interested in international business.

Both have excellent business schools, both are ranked the same if you believe in those, and both have similar employment outcomes. The two schools have very different vibes, and it comes down to fit.

We are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn Midtown for tomorrowā€™s Gold Carpet Day. Itā€™s walking distance from GT but it wouldnā€™t be a good deal for you because you would have to pay their $45/day valet parking on top of the room price. We are flying in and taking the MARTA from the airport to the hotel, no car needed.

Itā€™s fine if you stay further north of the school and take advantage of free parking at the hotels in the more suburban areas. Just take into account that the traffic in Atlanta is terrible so leave the hotel plenty early.

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Also, if you have a child who is considering both of the schools I would encourage you to dig deep and read and talk to people who are actually hiring from these two schools.

They donā€™t offer all of the same majors, so if your child has an interest in something like real estate or insurance and risk management (for which Terry is number one in the country), Terry is the choice. If you your child wants to do supply chain, Tech makes more sense. Iā€™ve also heard accounting is better to do at Terry simply because they do a better job of getting the kids to the 150 hour CPA requirement.

Neither is a target for Wall Street but both send students there. From a numbers standpoint, UGA sends more but it is a much larger business school.The Corsair Society at UGA is a driver for that and is highly respected. If your childā€™s ultimate goal is to work on Wall Street, however, there are better choices. I honestly believe that it comes down to atmosphere and preference.

Edited to add. The degrees from the two schools are different as well. Tech students will receive a BS in business which requires math through Calculus 2 and a computer science class. Terry students get a BBA. There is enough difference in the offerings and degrees to make a difference to some students.

We are staying at the Hilton Garden too this weekend for the gold carpet event.

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I feel almost obligated to offer a different perspective about internships at GT so readers are not misled by a lone voice, however prolific it may be. My child has had multiple offers, beginning right after the first year. They secured a research position (with an authorship credit) in the second semester of freshman year, which undoubtedly helped. Each position paid well. The biggest problem was deciding which one to accept. Several times, they were invited to attend virtual pre-interview sessions open only to students from a few very selective schools ā€” GT among them. But the more important point I wish to convey is that theirs is not an isolated example. Every single friend from a wide circle (representing a broad field of majors) has had no difficulty securing quality intern work. I kid you not. Take the initiative to question a wide array of students and parents. School visits are invaluable for acquiring info from the campus community. Most people you encounter will be eager to share their experiences. For those who can get a reservation, the GT hotel is a wonderful place to meet fellow GT parents and exchange information. Iā€™ve learned a lot in the friendly lounge area! Everything you read online is not accurate (I fully realize I offer these words of caution as yet another online poster). Iā€™ve come across some info that is sadly just not true.


What was the timing of this offer? How late in the summer do they go before closing the waitlist?

do you mind sharing your stats as a Stamps finalist? thank you :slight_smile:

Any other stamps finalists if you donā€™t mind sharing your stats it would be appreciated.

OOS North Carolina