Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My HV’s mid-year transcript/report is available today. He applied EA and is OOS. Is it best to send it now or wait for Jan 27 decision?

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Does the school automatically send it? Ours does and we don’t have a say when to send it- they send them all the same time for all students.

My D22 was awarded one of the Provost Scholarship last year but didn’t end up going to GT. She wasn’t a Stamp semifinalist so that’s not a requirement. The notification came via a letter mailed to her.

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I just got an email from Tristan Jones about the MSE program at Gtech?

At the bottom of the email, it posts admission dates in a table with December 9th and January 27th crossed off…

Is this a sign (probably bad) or did other engineering applicants get this email

I got this email too but I didn’t apply for MSE (non-engineering major) however. Weird, maybe it’s from an old interest form

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I got this chart at the bottom of my email

What does this mean…is it just automated email
or is it indicative of being deferred, hence the march decision release date not being crossed out.

Interesting. Haven’t seen this before.

Does Georgia Tech pretty much defer everyone who doesn’t get in Early Action? Some schools do that, which is “nice”, but it also doesn’t necessarily mean that you made at least a “first cut”, since no one gets denied. Just curious.

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Mass to all deferrals string people along - hopefully they are more judicious with their deferrals.

i did not get it but i did not apply for engineering

No. Many applicants are rejected as well.


Other engr, have not received that email.

Then my gut tells me that if you get that email above you’ve probably already been deferred, and if you didn’t get that email, then you’ve either been accepted or outright denied. Just my thoughts.

They definitely hand out rejections, often associated with a transfer pathway if available for the students situation. We have an out-of-state friend who was rejected EA 2 and given a transfer pathway. He had been deferred from MIT, and got into MIT regular decision. Not sure the specifics of his application except that he went to a top tier nationally recognized private school and was a super smart kid.

According to the Georgia Tech website the admission rate after a deferral over the past two years is 20%.

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What was the email that you received regarding? You stated that the chart was at the bottom of the email you received

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Assuming denied… Bay Area aero applicant… independent of stats, chances are very low.

Didn’t get the email here for Comp Sci. My intuition is maybe you were deferred, and we are looking at acceptance or denial. I would prefer that anyway just to rip the band-aid off, so if son isn’t accepted EA we can make solid plans. I doubt my son feels the same way.

But it best the question, did you submit everything in time so it was received by GT before the EA deadlines or did you just miss the deadline?


Or did OP just flat-out miss the EA deadlines??

We (OOS) did not get email. The portal still says that the decision day is Jan. 27. What does your portal say?

Don’t fret about it until you receive the real decision. There is no way we know what it means- could just be a messy word processing issue.