Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

i have this too, but i feel like there may be no implication with portals anymore as it seems like they’re trying to prevent portal astrology

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I guess, idk the wait is burning me from the inside :frowning:

That is not how tuition is paid. That is for graduate teaching assistants. If you can click on the financial aid hyperlink shown in that screenshot, that is where that my offer letter hyperlink will appear if you are admitted.

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oh, false alarm i guess. Sorry :confused:

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Can you still see this?

No they blocked it


I did just see on the Rick Clark’s Twitter that there were 27,000 EA2 applicants. Add that to the 6400 EA1 that leaves about 20,000 RD applications.

My oldest is a senior at Georgia Tech and there were roughly 37,000 applications that year. Smaller class size but that is a huge jump!


GATech Admissions >>



See a dot with link which opens up your email

Wow more than 50k applicants…yikes this is not looking good for me

If you go to your browser history, click the Application Summary page, it is still there but looks a bit different.

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It really is out of hand… the problem is across all the top schools and due largely to how easy it is to apply to 20+ schools. Why would the schools complain? Lowering acceptance rates is perceived as higher selectivity… and 53k applicants is ~$4M in application fees (not accounting for waived fees or extra $10 for intl). Would be interesting to see the admissions department budget to see how much of a profit incentive exists (not just GaTech).


anyone else being able to log into the gtech canvas?

Yes I think that everyone can.

But If you go to Canvas → Profile → Folio can you get into it or does it say “Houston we have a problem”?

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i see projects, skills, Build your Folio and stuff

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How do you log into canvas?

There is a link to canvas in oscar: OSCAR | Web Access System | Georgia Tech (

That’s so weird!

Does it mean anything?

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i see Houston we have a problem… uh oh

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