Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Or if your financial aid has been processed and you receive the offer letter, you’re in. Otherwise, you cannot make a reasonable claim any other way


I have had my financial aid done for months. I also have not recieved any financial aid emails, so my documents seem to have been all they needed. Perhaps thats why I have an offer letter now.

Same here. Everything done in early December and no emails. So, I’m thinking my kid hasn’t been accepted. Bummer, but good luck to everyone else!

It is ridiculous. Kids are facing such a stressful time even after working hard.
Acceptances have become so unpredictable that kids want to apply more as though it is like buying many lottery tickets. And it is the univs which will be laughing all the way to the bank!

I hate for govt to interfere too much, but education and our kids are worth saving.

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if you didn’t apply for financial aid there’s no chance you’d see the offer letter option right?

would you get an offer letter if you get no aid?

Yes that’s a very good point. Georgia Tech really only gives aid to statistically lower income. It is very probable that you don’t get an aid letter if you don’t receive aid because your EFC from the FAFSA is too high


do all admitted students get an offer letter tho? im not sure

I think that if you didn’t apply, you won’t ever see an offer letter. If you did apply but don’t qualify, you’ll probably still get one and it’ll have instructions for loans if you so desire.
But I imagine these are going to be uploaded in batches all day. I don’t think all hope is lost for those without, at this time anyway.


one twin has the letter, the other does not.

They clearly want to separate your children. Just kidding. :slight_smile: I am always mystified by the treatment of twins with similar stats in college admissions.

looks like that. BTW, I don’t think we qualify for fin aid, not even sure if we completed the required forms.

Excellent sign. The last several cycles that happens when you’re admitted. Happened to my son in December.

do you know of cases with people who don’t get the letter but are accepted

I think it appears regardless of whether you applied for financial aid or not from what I understand. We had not applied for any financial aid at all when my son was accepted in December. He had the my offer letter link. This portal indicator also worked for my middle child two years ago who was not accepted.

your middle child did not have the offer letter and was not accepted?

That is not the way it worked in December. Everyone who got in got that link to an offer letter, which is blank, regardless of whether they applied for aid. That same indicator was true a couple of years ago. However it did not appear all at once but only as decisions were uploaded. So if you don’t have it now, don’t lose hope!

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I did not submit FAFSA or CSS to GT. I know we don’t qualify for any aid. Luckily, my son has been offered some Merit discount at a few schools. If he gets into GT, I’m sure he will accept even though it won’t be competitive from a cost standpoint. He has been talking about GT since grade school. Since high school he has opened up to some other schools. He literally had a GT blanket on his bed through 6th grade. We still have the blanket, but it’s of limited utility since he’s 6’5" now.

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My middle child didn’t have it for EA and was deferred. He was then waitlisted in March. He didn’t have it then either. My youngest did have it in December and was accepted. We did not apply for financial aid for either. Based on our small sample, it appears to be an indicator.

Or you are deferred.

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