Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

the offer letter can also be shown as a link after decisions are released?

It is still in my sons portal. It appeared mid afternoon on the day he got in in December.

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is there possibility for a transfer pathway today?

Absolutely. Options are accepted, rejected, deferred, or offered a transfer pathway. There is a list of transfer pathways on the Georgia Tech website. You do need to fall within a particular qualification to receive one but they are lots of different options. For example, if you are the child of a employee or have a parent or grandparent (and maybe sibling) with a degree from Georgia Tech you are offered a conditional transfer pathway.


Maybe this was asked and answered.
Does anyone know the odds of getting deferred & accepted, waitlisted & accepted etc from last year?

So it’s safe to assume if you don’t have a letter you are denied or deferred?

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That might be true after 7p ET today. Cannot be sure before that.


On the Georgia Tech website under deferral it says that over the past two years 20% of deferred applicants were ultimately accepted.

Odds of getting off the waitlist is much much lower. I think my middle child’s year they took about 150 kids out of the pool of over 4000. You can, however, be offered a transfer pathway off the waitlist. My son was. Didn’t end up taking it. Neither did any of his friends who got one. They gave out about 8000 transfer pathways that year. Most did not use them.


i’m sort of confused by the transfer pathways
 do you have to apply for them or are you offered one/can be offered one?

do you guys think most of the offer letters will come out after decisions? or if you don’t have an offer letter before the decisions are released, then you won’t get in.

Everybody calm down:

From Georgia Tech website:
“Our office will begin notifying students of their Financial Aid Award Notices during the following times according to student classification:

  • First-year students: Mid-April.”

They don’t start rolling out aid until mid-April! So it doesn’t meant that you are rejected if you don’t have it today.

These awards will come in the form of a letter posted in OSCAR web access system

but what is the reason for some people having the letters now

My DD was admitted 2023 EA1, but she didn’t have this.

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So this is how the transfer pathways work. To use one you have to be offered one by Georgia Tech. It is for a specific term of entry. For the conditional transfer pathway, it typically would be the summer. So you would have to enter summer of 2024. You also have to fulfill the requirements for the conditional transfer pathway. You have to take 30 hours at your enrolled institution that transfer to Georgia Tech. You have to get a 3.3 average. You have to take specific classes that are outlined by Georgia Tech depending on your major prior to transfer. Those classes need to be either completed or in progress when you apply. AP classes do not count towards the 30 required hours, but they do satisfy the required classes. So, for example, calculus one and two is typically required for all transfer pathways. If you get a five on the BC calculus exam you would place out of that requirement.

Transfer pathways can also be for specific schools. So if you applied for example to be a biology major in the College of sciences, and are offered a transfer pathway for that, you must transfer into the college of sciences. That pathway is not good for any other major. I’ve also heard that if you use the transfer pathway to get into the college of sciences, for example, you may not later change your major outside that college. Not sure about that last part though.

Hope that helps.


Did she apply for FA before decision came out?

As I just checked with my D, she still does not have it. Strange!

I dont see “Houston we have a problem”

I just see this:

Everyone we know who was admitted had it whether or not they applied for financial aid. It is in OSCAR in the sub menu.

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go to account and then folio