Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission


We have the ball rolling to meet with the Biomedical Engineering advisor next week, first to get a roster of IB credits and Dual Enrollment credits that transfer. Should be a lot … and feeling better … that can keep course load to 12 credit hours per semester (which not should allow a bit more time for “grade management” as it pertains to med school applications in the future).

HOWEVER, when we’re done with that advisor, I will ask for a PreHealth advisor… that’s a great insight!!!

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Provost only goes to EA admits I believe.


I’m not sure really. Below is an extract from their page on the Provost Scholarship. If you are deferred to the Regular decision timeline, there might be a chance. This is just me speculating.

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Interesting. Seems like maybe Provost is open to regular decision. I thought to be considered for merit at Georgia Tech you need it to apply EA.


For those that haven’t seen it:

First-year admission decisions for Georgia students (those who attend a Georgia high school or Georgia residents living outside the state) who applied Regular Decision or were deferred in Early Action will be available via the admission portal on Friday, March 3 at 7 p.m. ET.

Admission decisions for Non-Georgia students will be released no later than Friday, March 24, 2023. We’ll continue to share updates as we assess our remaining review timeline in the weeks ahead.

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Wow, I didn’t expect mid-march to be 3/24. Oh well.


:scream:…Deferred OOS…It time for me to move on… I’m tired of waiting all this process…my last school decision will be Friday and I”m done…good lucky for all that will wait… thank god … got accepted in others dreams ( at least for me) colleges…

Good luck!

Congrats, but please withdraw from your deferrals if you’ve truly decided :+1:t2:


Can you send the link ?

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I found it at Instagram. Thanks.

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Yeah, I feel you. GT used to be my top choice, but a deferral all the way until nearly Ivy Day isn’t gonna cut it. I just don’t have the time to research it enough, and I’ve already gotten into my instate (UT) for CS so there’s not really a reason now to look further into GT. If only they were like UIUC and just released 3/3 for all applicants…

I think Georgia Tech review process is more holistic than most schools. Every application is read cover to cover multiple times per their admissions blog. I’m glad they do this, versus some schools that don’t read your common app essay, or don’t look at your recommendations, etc. That way they have the whole picture

You’ve got a great in state option so congratulations! It is possible they will release earlier. The notification says March 24 at the latest.


Be sure to look into how prospective med schools handle IB and AP credits. Every school is a bit different, so it’s tough to manage.

The good news is Dual Enrollment grades are part of their college GPA for med school.

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Curious if willing to share stats/ec/etc.

GPA UW 4, W 4.6
AP classes 13
SAT 1510
Writing team (Under SWE, a book written to encourage young girls to study engineering, the book will be published and distributed to elementary schools)
Summer Engineering camp at UT Austin (MITE)
Started a coding club for girls at her current High School
TSA - various competitions
Robotics and Engineering
Volunteering community hrs
OSHA certification
Southwest airline Professional Communication Certification
Autodesk Certified Professional/User Revit Architecture

Had to copy some items from her HS transcript…I think that’s it. She did score a 4 or 5 on most of her AP exams but not sure if that really mattered.


Well deserved!


100 are invited for the full ride weekend - Stams President Scholarship and Gold Scholarship. That’s what the email said. Out of this 100, 40 will receive Stamps President Scholarship and 60 will get Gold Scholarship. We’re in-state and our daughter is invited.


Does anyone have the offer letter in oscar for RD?

Go to Community College that has clear transfer credits with Ga Tech. Look into Oscar for transfer credits.

Curious if this is still a thing. . . It appeared a couple hours before decision release for my EA admitted student this year and did not appear for my waitlisted kid 2 years ago (although it appeared for admitted kids that year). FYI if you have it and click on it it is blank but the key this fall was to have the link . .

Good luck to all!