Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

DS waitlisted after deferred for mechanical engineering.

These admission decisions don’t make sense to me. Thought GT would be better odds than Hopkins but then again what do I know! So far accepted at tOSU Eminence Fellow (full ride), U of Cincinnati (full ride), Johns Hopkins, Purdue, UT Austin, VT, UF, NC State (Park semi-finalist). GT is first rejection (if you count waitlist as such) but others are likely to come soon with ivy’s+. We shall see. It’s interesting for sure!

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DS deferred->waitlisted for aero

The same for my daughter :woman_shrugging:t2:

MEMa23 - you are so right. These acceptances or rejections don’t make any sense anymore.

My Son (aerospace engineering) was rejected to Purdue and Texas and accepted to GT, UIUC, VT, UVA, NC State, Florida, Maryland.
Purdue rejection was very hard on him as Purdue was one of the first schools.


These decisions are very interesting. My son was deferred from Perdue EA and then accepted during RD. He was so disappointed to be deferred and so relieved with the acceptance because he loved Perdue. Rejected from MIT, Northwestern and waitlisted GT. Accepted to OSU, UIUC, Texas A&M, Maryland. Great grades and ECs, 36 ACT, etc., but we’re realistic knowing that rejections from the rest of the schools is a definite possibility.

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Agree it seems engineering acceptances all over the map. My son was admitted to Georgia Tech and Purdue Honors and waitlisted at UIUC for mechanical engineering. This just goes to show you need to cast a wide net.


Which one is on the top of the list now? Or maybe one that’s coming:)
UCLA is our in-state option, hard to pass by, but getting GT - OMG!

My son got waitlisted by UCLA but got in GT today. Now he is thinking whether to send LOCI or not to UCLA.

I think you should submit the LOCI in case there is a slight chance of getting accepted, unless you do not prefer instate UCLA over GT.

If you are CA resident, why not, the price is right. But getting off UCLA waitlist is not easy. My older son was on UCLA’s waitlist (applied for CS major) and never got off. My older son was also on CMU’s priority waitlist for CS and never got off. For CMU, we had to pay for him to be on the waitlist and he had to write essays as well. He is graduating from USC this May.

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Yes, I agree… Actually he finished writing the LOCI for UCLA. I am asking him to submit it tomorrow.After getting rejected by MIT and waitlisted by UCLA and UCSD , He is just excited to get into GT today😊

Congrats to your family on all the admissions, any leaders?

He’s still debating between Applied Math and MechE.

For Applied Math - so far Michigan
For MechE - UIUC and GT are pretty close.

We’re from Oklahoma, so everything is OOS. Worried about him adjusting to a more metropolitan area.

All are great options, hoping for one or two more math options, engineering choices are done :face_with_peeking_eye::crossed_fingers:.

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Waitlisted. 3.9+GPA, 1550+ SAT, 15+ APs, some olympiads/humanities/research ECs.

Opposite here. Mine wanted to go out of state and loved GT. He got first deferred and then waitlisted. Accepted into every UC including UCLA.

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Congrats to your son as well!
Son did not apply to Michigan. He was scrambling during EA and found Michigan’s essays longer and harder to write and skipped it. Then he got Purdue and UIUC before Michigan’s RD deadline, decided not to apply. Michigan is quite popular at our school so counselor also recommended him not to join the big group already applying.
Son did often put down math or physics for second choice major. But interestingly the only place offered him applied math was UCSD. He definitely prefers Mech E so not considering UCSD as transferring into engineering is pretty impossible. I heard transferring into Engineering is possible at Michigan. A colleague’s son went from biology in school of science to bioengineering in school of engineering at Michigan though he did end up having to do more required classes and graduated in 4.5 years.
Cost-wise, UCLA is leading, as we are CA residents (14k). The cost of the other 3 are Purdue(28k),GT(33k),UIUC(35k). These numbers are just bulk park numbers for tuition, more or less similar to each other.
In Purdue, students will need to declare into MechE after one year. So if he is set for MechE and don’t want to go through another process, he will likely not pick Purdue. He had done admitted student days for Purdue and UIUC late February (school had a few days off around Presidents’t day, which we often call it “ski week”:). He is not picky about the look of the campuses and did think both are fine. The surroundings of UIUC is slightly more vibrant, with lots options of food places. GT is the farthest from home but there is direct flight to Atlanta, less than half hour from the airport. So transportation may even be easier than the 1.5-2 hour distance from UIUC/Purdue to a major airport. GT has the smallest number of students, he may like that as he previously had wanted to go to a not-so-huge school therefore applied to all those private colleges.
He has not visited GT yet so we should. We do not know anyone from friends, family, colleague circles or anyone from his K-8 or high school that attends GT. So he may find GT to be very unfamiliar. He does have a pre-school friend who moved to Atlanta years ago but that kid is accepted at Stanford and will not be attending GT.
In the end it will depend on how he chooses. He may not feel the ranking of the school/program not as important as we adults do.
I am just happy that he has good choices. All actually cost less than the private colleges that he didn’t get into:)


First private school acceptance today. CMU for math; looking at tuition and it’s a doozy :flushed:.

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Son waitlisted at CMU. He got in BU today, 3rd private school acceptance. The other 2 are WPI and RIT (both were free of application fee, did it for safety).
I had visited CMU twice, once with older son, once with this one. It’s a neat, small campus. There is a bus that can take you from airport right to the front of the school!
Michigan’s tuition is not far less than CMU. His math choices are more expensive:)

Do you know if transferring from physics to UCLA engineering is impossible?

Based on very few data points, i.e. colleagues’s children’s experience at UC’s. One girl transferred from some biology like major to bioengineering (in engineering) in UC Davis about 3 years ago. One boy transferred from a math major to CS at UC Santa Cruz, which was about 6 years ago. I haven’t heard of a real case transferring into engineering at UCLA. They won’t say it’s not allowed but must be really hard, especially if wanting to transfer into CS. I will ask around.

Can any currently enrolled students (or parents) comment on Campus Carry policy of GT? It allows conceded handguns into classes by law. But, we are interested to know:

  1. how much it factors (or should factor) in finally deciding on college…
  2. in daily campus life, is it a concern?
  3. heard a lot of profs are unhappy about it and planning to leave Tech…

We got a tough choice between GT and UMich for Aerospace- Campus Carry policy is quickly coming out to be a deal-breaker…

Any comments from current students/parents are highly appreciated.