Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

How much it factors is a personal decision. It is a state law in Georgia but is a non issue on campus. Professors are not leaving over it. It would not factor into my decision at all. I have kids at two state schools and these kids are not carrying guns in their backpacks. Campus is extremely safe.


I canā€™t imagine this ending wellā€¦ what happens when two drunk students who are carrying end up in an altercation?

But if this has been law for awhile is there data on the number of incidents?

Thank you @despo-dad for asking this question - I think its an important one & I too would be curious to hear data on # of incidents with guns on campus. It does seem like this law has been in place for a while (since July 2017) based on one of the links on GTs website: Campus Carry Information | Georgia Tech Police Department

Hoping this does not turn into a political debate. Just trying to get some additional data to make an informed decision.

That is what I think as well - If anything else, GT wouldnā€™t be #1 for Aero.

However, it should be noted that general crime rate is high at GT in comparison to UMich

It could be related to its Urban campus and vicinity to downtown.

My major concern is if profs are leaving the Tech.

Also, after freshman year, kids almost certainly have to live off campus (due to shortage of on-campus housing). So, they are ā€œexposedā€ to out side campus crime incidents more often than their freshman year.

Iā€™ll be interested in what your learn. I live in GA, and donā€™t agree with concealed carry on college campuses, but I also have not heard about any issues at GT. The issues I have heard of were at colleges located in rural areas of GA (primarily commuter campuses)ā€¦ leaving hunting rifles in view in a vehicle, carrying a handgun in view in a classroom, etc., but not of violence committed.

The reasons I feel it is less of an issue at GT (and other primarily undergrad, residential colleges in GA) is that concealed carry is only allowed for 21 and up, no guns at all are allowed in dorms or athletic venues,ā€¦ there are other restrictions. Also, there is a significant population of kids from outside GA who are not from states where concealed carry is allowed.

Iā€™m not dismissing your concerns but just mentioning some considerations. We know many kids at GaTech, and I visit the campus several times per year. I think the campus itself is safe and some of the area around itā€¦ but there are areas I would avoid (just as in any city) and students know which those are too.


Campus conceal carry has been the law since 2017 but the license requirement was removed last year. However I have not heard of any significant gun incidents at GaTech recently (my daughter doesnā€™t go to Tech but she has a lot of friends there)

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This is what we parents like to hearā€¦ DS wants to go GT, his mom is very concerned about gun policies there. It is helpful to know how Georgia residents feel about it.

Wow ā€¦ this is worrying me as well. I donā€™t think my son saw a real gun in his life. itā€™s not that he will do something stupid, but itā€™s enough to be in the wrong place at a wrong time

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I guess there are some but I have never seen in my life a student with the gun and neither my DD. It is very overblown. Your child is safe. I do not know current GA laws but in the past you could have a gun in the car but not on you.

You posted this in UVA. I am copying here where GTech people will see it so you get more responses.

  • I read that GT programs are way more challenging - majority of the kids are depressed and cannot graduate in 4 years (5-6 years) - this really worries me, my son is such a happy strong young man, Iā€™m sure he will conquer GT but I donā€™t want him to be miserable in college

I donā€™t have a student at Tech so Iā€™m sure others will chime in. I do know many kids there. They find the courses challenging, but these are happy kids. And they are involved in activities and enthusiastic about the sports. You also need to look further into the graduation timelinesā€¦ many kids co-op so while that is extending the graduation timeline, it is not because the kids canā€™t meet the academic requirements in 4 years.

  • I read that there is a gun acceptance policy in campus - this is a really red flag for me. I donā€™t think my son ever saw a real gun in his life (me neither). Not saying he will do something stupid, but itā€™s enough to be in the wrong place at a wrong moment - please excuse my paranoia.

I understand why parents not familiar with GTech (or GA) may be concerned, but I honestly think this is a non-issue. Atlanta is a ā€œblueā€ cityā€¦ people in general, much less on a college campus, just are not walking around with guns.

But there is a state conceal carry law so it is allowed in public areas. I just donā€™t personally know of anyone in Atlanta who does. I do know people who live in rural areas where hunting is a part of their lifestyle who keep guns. But none of them are taking them on college campuses. And as mentioned in my previous post, the only issues Iā€™ve read in the news were related to people who accidentally violated the conceal carryā€¦ not with ill-intentions.

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We are planning on visiting GT during sonā€™s spring break. We are not able to make one of the Gold Carpet Day Open House so is doing an ā€œAdmitted Student Campus Visitā€ just as good?

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My son is a first year at GT and he says campus is safe. Weā€™re from CA Bay Area so I was quite concerned about crime in Atlanta as well. And I donā€™t think itā€™s true that second year students have to live off campus. My sons and all his friends will live on campus next year.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Its very encouraging and reaffirming to read such experiences.
Getting into GT for OOS itself is a cause of celebration; then having to worry about these non-academic aspects seemed odd. Thank you!


When do we get the financial aid information for regular round admits ?

Re guns on campusā€¦DS is both familiar and comfortable with guns and has never seen anyone with a gun on campus, nor has he felt in danger in any situation and he has taken the MARTA many times.

There was a comment a few posts back about GT culture and class difficulty and I think that is WAY overblown. Sure there are a few tough classes but overall it is not bad at all and if you look at the avg GPAs one would think the classes should be tougher. DS has taken 21 hours/semester and has a 4.0 and has only had 2 tough classes to date and these were mainly as they are in an area where he had no prior experience and many others in his class did. He is quite happy at GT.

GT, as other unis, is far from perfect and could seriously improve in some areas (housing, registration, admin overall) but in our experience, guns and campus culture/happiness have not been an issue at all.


If I had to guess, about half the sophomores have to live off-campus.

I am from the Atlanta area and my daughter will attend GT this fall. We know so very many people whose children (young adults) go to GT and absolutely love it.
Will they work hard? Oh hell yes! Do they also have lots of fun? Absolutely. It is an intense, fun, nerdy environment overall with a spectrum of interesting things for students to get involved in from greek life to robotics clubs. Happiness there depends on your student getting involved in what they enjoy.
We do know of one student that left due to stress and nerves over probably 100 students we know that went there. It absoutely can happen but does not happen any more frequently than it does at any of the top colleges in the country. Students attending these schools are typically excellent students and perfectionists used to perfect grades. Talk to them ahead of time about accepting lower grades, that it really doesnt matter, that they will be successful without straight As. GT has a ton of resources to assist freshmen adjust to the rigors and the students we know have raved about them. The stress is greater for in-state students that need to maintain certain GPA to qualify for the reduced tuition, and they seem to manage well.
As for safety - I feel very qualified to talk about this as a former professor at a different Georgia college. Do we all hate the concealed carry law? Oh boy yes. It was hugely stressful when it came out. Has there been an increase in incidences of issues since the law came out? Nope. Rate of gun issues across GA colleges remained the same. The US has a huge gun problem everywhere with school shootings, weirdly it is not any worse here in GA with this law.
GT Is in a city. The city has majorly cleaned up downtown in the past 25 years and the area GT in is now lovely. But it is a city and a college campus and things happen. I took a look at the safety info through the GT police department (the Clearly law makes all this public) and it is typical for a college campus in the city. I am not more scared of my daughter at GT than I would be at any campus - we are already starting talks about not walking alone, etcā€¦ Sux, but the reality for college students, especially females.
Anyway, this is the opinion of someone who lives near GT. In this area parents are thrilled to send their kids there for a multitude of reasons and the students (who all wish they were going farther from home) within a week are in love with it there. If you can visit, definitely do as you will be able to get your own vibe of the place which will help in your decision making. Best of luck!!!


Very informative post for prospective parents. :slight_smile:

@Buflea and @despo-dad - see @lamacat 's response to your concerns.

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As someone who was at Tech in the 90s, the area is much safer and hugely nicer now.


Thank you @lamacat for sharing your experience from both as a parent and prof.
These series of posts should be pinned in a separate thread so that other concerned parents can find them readily. These posts positively remove the negative bias thatā€™s there on the internet.

We will be visiting in mid April.

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