Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

As an Atlanta resident, I honestly did not know the conceal carry was a big concern of families from other areas so I am glad you brought this up. I expect questions about safety because GT is in a city (as I would with any urban campus), but I was blind to the carry law consideration. Thank you for bringing it up so that current parents could address for you and others.


We did the admitted student campus visit last year, and it was well done. We had a chance to break into small groups and walk around with the guide and ask questions. It was a beautiful February day, so that probably helped! My son committed as soon as we returned. He is enjoying his first year at GT so far!

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We just put our $250 admitted student deposit down to ensure that we are in the queue for decent housing options. Is this it or is there an additional fee and/or application that guarantees our spot on the housing list?

EDIT: Just checked the admitted students site again and saw the info on the application for housing; hopefully we can get a spot high enough on the list!


Is this still a thing? registering early gives preference in housing?

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Yes, be sure to pay the $80 housing application fee and sign the housing contract. If the student is under 18 years old, the parent needs to be there as well as both will need to sign.

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Yes. Priority for choosing housing is based on the date by which you pay your commitment deposit, fill out the housing application and sign it, and pay your $80 housing fee.

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@MrkInMerrick adding that this is the case at multiple schoolsā€¦ just check out the Texas A&M threadā€¦ the housing filled and moved to a waitlist in February! Luckily GT guarantees freshman housing unlike some other schoolsā€¦ you just may not get your top choice if you deposit later.

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Thanks for sharing that information regarding guaranteed housing.
We havenā€™t got the financial aid from GT yet so canā€™t commit before that .
Reassuring to know that we will get a room even if we pay later

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Any GAtech parents or students here? It would be helpful to know about housing for First year students . My son will be going for CS so which one he should choose if he can ? Also any thoughts about the learning communities like honors ? Is it worth applying for it?

I have a senior at Georgia Tech and an entering freshman. Housing priority is determined by the date and time you pay your $250 commitment deposit, $80 housing fee and fill out the housing application. All freshman who commit before the May 1 deadline will get housing, and there is typically housing available for waitlisted students as well. The later you commit the fewer choices you will have, but you will have a dorm room if you commit before May 1.

There are two sides of campus for dorms, East and West, both different and have their pros and cons. The two most in demand dorms are typically Glenn and Towers on East but those will fill up with people who committed immediately after housing opened, which was mid January. All the dorms are pretty comparable though

LLCs have spots in designated dorms, so if you are admitted to an LLC your spot in that dorm will be guaranteed. There are LLC dorms on both east and west campus. The vast majority of freshman rooms are double occupancy with common bathrooms on the hall. A smaller number are ā€œsuite styleā€œ with two bedrooms and a bathroom in between. The Honors LLC I believe has an apartment style dorm, which will have a common area and kitchen.

The benefit of applying to an LLC is guaranteed space in a dorm in a community of students that share a common interest. It could be helpful in finding your group. There is no ā€œprestigeā€œ to the honors LLC at Georgia Tech either from students or employers. Itā€™s just another LLC but itā€™s not a separate honors college with benefits over other LLCs.


Thank you so much!

I agree that you should get your housing deposit in ASAP. Then you have some luxury of time to think about where you want to go. Iā€™ve understood there is little benefit to the LLCs unless establishing social relationships is a real problem for a certain student. I wouldnā€™t even consider an LLC if the student is looking to rush for a frat or sorority; rush week at GT is the week before classes start. Before you think your student is not the Greek type, bear in mind that frats and sororities at GT are different: thereā€™s truly something for everyone, ranging from the nerdiest STEM-head to the gregarious party type. These are very supportive environments that guarantee instant social life and usually offer tremendous academic and career prep support as well. Iā€™d say the East v. West dilemma is a bigger consideration. West is very quiet ā€” too much so for many freshman. East is lively, with the football stadium, the Greeks, and other sports venues. Itā€™s also much closer to midtown, which is where lots of kids spend time.


It is worth noting that all LCā€™s charge an extra fee. Also the Honors LC housing costs more, and first years still must have a full meal plan, despite having apartments with kitchens.


Thank you so much for the information.

Instate kids are accepted first at GT so they sign up first and get the housing with the best reputations. DS was OOS was left with little to choose from and ended up choosing Smith, which was supposedly the worst dorm. He loved it as most of the kids on his hall were top OOS kids that were waiting to commit to GT until they heard back from Ivyā€™s. There really are no bad dorm options and it will come down to what you make of it.

I was glad DS was on East campus his freshman year as West seems like it is in an area where you have to make slightly more of an effort to get involved with lots of campus activities. DS likes the gym and I could have seen him staying entirely at the CRC and soccer fields so it worked out well!

Good luck!


I am going for CS as well.

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The housing application for us didnā€™t charge the $80 fee, instead saying that it was deferred. Does anyone else have this and when/where will we need to eventually pay for this?

Are you OOS?

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Thank you all of you who replied to me. It was very helpful.

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