Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

The Fact Book is really helpful. I didn’t realize that the College of Sciences had the highest admit rate. Of course my student is 100% about business!

Yes, Scheller is really small. We toured a few weeks ago, and I think it’s around 1,000 students total. My student was accepted to Auburn which has ~5,000 undergrads in their business school. (He loves Auburn so if GT doesn’t come through, Auburn is a great option.)


Good luck to your student. My son is a sophomore finance major at UGA and it has been a great fit! My current applicant is strongly considering Auburn for engineering (he is also in UGA and Clemson but Auburn is ahead of those I think, at least for the moment)! Auburn is a great school, great size and everyone who goes there loves it! Good luck!

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Looks like we are considering the same schools! Are you a GA resident? I assumed Virginia based on your name. :slight_smile: We live in Atlanta, and I am a GT alum so it’s a top choice. My son is also into UGA, but more interested in the technical business programs (analytics) offered at GT and Auburn. (If he goes to UGA, he will likely major in finance). Ready for Friday evening to know if GT is going to be a consideration. Best of luck to your senior!


Yes - we live in Georgia:) Terry does let you do a concentration in Business Analytics - my son has explored this option as he is a strong math/stats student. It also requires several CS courses which he has no experience with so he is undecided. Not sure how that differs with what is offered at Tech?

Thanks again for posting this. Very interesting. Essentially what I remember including the disparity in admit rate between males and females. I do think the admit rate listed for fall 2021 is artificially low. My recollection was the admit rate was overall 20-22% or so. This likely leaves out the hundreds of kids who started in the summer as freshman admits.

Still kind of scary stats when you are waiting on a decision :joy:

Looking at your login id I am assuming Dec 9th EA notification is for in state. Am I right ?

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My son is a current first year at Scheller and I believe there are about 250 in his class. He loves the fact that he is at a smaller college within a bigger school. He gets all the pluses of a bigger campus and school with the benefits of being in a more intimate setting for his major classes and the one on one relationship with the faculty and staff. He is going to be a part of the Technology and Management program next year which will allow him to have a concentration/minor in Mechanical Engineering.

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I don’t know if you noticed, but you can pull the report for each year going back to 1979-80. Interesting to see how things changed over the years.

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The lottery and the common app changed things dramatically for Georgia Tech. Looks like the same thing is happening at UGA. EA apps were up 21% over last year - they joined the common app in 2021. With both schools being top 15 public schools with free tuition for in-state students that qualify, it is really difficult to choose an out of state large university if you live in Georgia and are full pay.

Just checked and GT joined the common app in 2013 - so UGA is 8 years behind - will be interested to see if the uptick in applications track.

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Thanks so much for this information. We enjoyed hearing about the T&M program from students during the information session. It’s a great program!

Thanks, great info, wondering where you saw that legacy status is not considered in admissions decisions ( undergrad), I see in common data set , section C7 shows Alumni as considered , am I missing something here.

That’s what I thought too :blush:

Rick Clark, who is the Director of admissions said it on Twitter when my middle kid applied. Someone specifically asked. I remembered because he is also a legacy. His explanation was it is not a factor in an admission decision of acceptance/denial. It is however a factor in determining whether you qualify for a transfer pathway. So maybe that’s why it’s on the CDS as being considered.

Edited to add: This is not what I was referring to as that was in 2021, but here he is reaffirming this. Says the CDS is outdated.


Just want to say that my dd was admitted EA to GT last year. We are in state, she only had 3 AP (all that were offered at our small school), a 1350 SAT and lots of leadership. She is finishing her first semester strong and will likely get 3 A’s and a B. We are in a rural part of the state, so that may have helped her admission, but she is doing just fine! I really think GT is looking for a well-rounded class, not just the top students academically. She is an IE major and CS minor. Because of her AP Calc score, she started tech in Calc 2. It has been such a great experience for her!


Yes, 9th(today) is for EA1 - GA residents.

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Counting down the hours… so glad that I have a really busy work day as 5pm can’t get here fast enough! Fingers crossed for all the in-state seniors who are hoping for a GT acceptance today!


Good luck to everyone today!!


Good luck to all EA1 applicants.
We are OOS so a long wait.


Good luck everyone!