Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Right. Unless they’ve increased the number of seats, if in-state acceptance goes up OOS acceptance must go down since there are fewer seats left to fill.


Overall number of seats in state stays the same at 60% as a target. Early action usually has a higher acceptance percentage due to strength of applicant pool. In-state applicant pool went up 6% this year and overall EA applicant pool was up 10% so admissions rate should drop again in all likelihood. Target should still be 30% for out of state.


arts and sciences pathway-- guaranteed acceptance for fall '24 for any major under the schools of design, liberal arts, and sciences if I attend another college for 1 year and obtain a 3.3 gpa.

3.34W GPA, 15 AP classes (very intensive stem school)
extenuating circumstances that I talked about in additional info (mental health, family issues, etc)
33 superscore ACT
essays + extracurriculars probably carried

applied under LMC major with Industrial Design as an alternative major, will go into industrial design if I attend Tech. I might attend State first and transfer, but I’ll have to see other decisions.



Public school, metro area
34 science, 32 math, 31 reading, 30 English
3.9/4.0 unweighted core classes
4.6 weighted core (1 for AP/IB; .5 for honors)
16 AP/IB classes
IB Diploma candidate
Eagle Scout
2 sport varsity athlete
Summer job


I just looked at last year’s and they took roughly 180 more kids EA1. Do you know if they’re planning on expanding the size of the freshman class?

When will they send EA2 decisions?

Late January

I haven’t heard about GT, but I know other universities are concerned about the incoming freshman cohort being smaller. Perhaps it is hedging a bet to make sure the final numbers are where they need to be. Definitely isn’t excess housing on campus at GT, but they are building a lot of apartments in Midtown. My dh works at another state university in GA and there is concern about the class size dropping due to birth rates in 2004/2005 being lower. Again, not sure that will have much effect on the Flagships

Freshman required to live on campus but they have increased enrollment 500 or so since my oldest started in 2019. I had no idea they had over 3700 1st year students last year! This is been largely through summer admission and now first year summer abroad. Last year had 800 summer students and I think 100 1st year summer abroad. This takes pressure off with first year classes, and summer abroad students are placed into vacated dorms upon their return I believe. Not sure if they are freshman dorms.

Doubtful enrollment is a concern because applications have been going up pretty dramatically over the past several years and yield appears to be going down. They had over 50,000 applications last year and both EA1 and EA2 were up over that year.

Maybe the EA pool was stronger than normal? Apparently that happened to Georgia this year. Or maybe they’re expanding first year summer abroad? I just haven’t seen a target class number and they have been pretty open about it in the past.

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I hadn’t considered the Study Abroad component. My dd just finished her first semester and she was able to move out of the dorm (bad roomie situation) and into her sorority house because several girls are doing a study abroad in the Spring. They are definitely encouraging the students to consider study abroad (my dd plan on Summer 24.

Her dorm roommate thinks she’ll get to have her own room next semester, but I doubt it!

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DS23 applied Tech Fall 2023 as an EAII (out of state) applicant. We just received the email to fill out the CSS form from university. Do we need to fill that even though we know we don’t qualify for financial aid? We filed FAFSA a while ago though. Thanks for any inputs!

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You don’t have to fill out CSS if you know you are not going to get need based financial aid. CSS is optional for GT application.

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I answered my own question earlier upthread with a target class of 3650 this year. Georgia Tech Admission Delivers Early Action 1 Decisions | News Center

@clouddream23 We got the same email for our OOS daughter for all info regarding scholarships and/or financial aid. Is this a good sign or no specific indication? Some schools don’t request this info if they know that you definitely are NOT going to get accepted. Thanks.

I really have no clue. We got this request a while back but we didn’t send it since we know we are not qualified. But since they keep asking for this, we decided to submit the form just in case it holds the admission reviews.


A few years ago, my OOS son was Deferred (he had slightly better grades and very slightly better test scores), but this info wasn’t requested. He never was accepted. So, I am wondering. However, we will have 3-kids in college at the same time now; so, maybe they see that aspect (either from CSS and/or Common App) and just request the info now. I don’t know. I might just be looking for positive signs.

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It goes to all applicants. Just continued reminders since financial aid deadline is approaching. The CSS is required by Georgia Tech which is different from some other schools so completing the FASFA is not enough. They just want to be sure everyone’s got their documentation in. You can disregard if you’re not seeking aid. There is a separate Georgia Tech scholarship application for admitted and enrolled students that must be filled out though.

We kept getting them two years ago and my child was deferred, and then waitlisted. Of course that doesn’t mean they went to everyone since he was still in the hunt and ended up with a transfer pathway.

Georgia Tech is only need blind for in-state applicants according to this article. So I would skip filling out financial aid forms unless you need aid. Need-Blind Colleges

If the forms were filled out yet we won’t qualify, hopefully they will be able to know we are full pay and won’t hurt us. We were in a quandary whether to fill them out or not. We filled out the financial aid forms even though we don’t qualify for any because we can’t predict the future and circumstances can change in 1 year (when kid starts college it’s Aug 2023) which is unpredictable so in case we need it later, we completed all the fin aid forms. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt us and the admission office will confirm with the financial aid office that we can pay it fully as of now.

We received this November 14 but we did ask for aid and have not completed anything yet (deadline in the email said January). Not sure if this is a bad sign for us OOS as we have gotten no communications since