So seems like there isn’t any discussion about transfer to GT for fall 2017 so I thought I will be the first. So as most of you know tomorrow is the decision day so please share your stats, major, residency, credits, any job you listed, and curriculum rigor.
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Residency: International
Job: Peer tutor. 11 hrs/week
Will have completed 60 credits by fall 2017
Finished all the required courses, one recommended course along with 3 other fundamental engineering mechanics courses.
Major: LMC
Residency: in state
GPA: 3.5 cumulative from 2 different colleges
Job: nanny 30-40 hrs a week, president of physics club, astronomy tutor
Have 85+ credit hours and an associates in physics. I finished all required courses plus some.
Decision: rejected
Residency: out-of-state
GPA: 4.0
Decision: pending
My decision was put on hold until I send my spring semester grades. They will send me the decision on June 15 which is way too late
Same situation here. Where else did you apply? My son is going to accept a CA university and put down a small deposit while we wait to hear if he is accepted at GT.
I got into the University of Illinois which I think I will attend. June 15 is too late since I won’t have time to go look for houses(plus I won’t be in the US at that time).
Congratulations - that’s where I did my undergraduate work! Great school and nice campus. Gets a bit cold in the winter, though I’m sure you know that! I agree… it’s a bit discombobulating to not hear until mid June.