Georgia Tech vs NYU Tandon

Intended Major- CS
NYU gave me a full ride. I know Gatech’s CS program is way better, but is it good enough to leave the full ride and pay the out-of-state tuition? Does college prestige really matter that much in the Tech industry?

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What kind of question is this? Full ride car OOS tuition. NEXT!!!


Take the full ride. Tons of opportunities in NYC.


BTW, NYU CS, in many aspects, isn’t at the level of GaTech CS, but with that huge amount of money saved, even if you don’t land a job from NYU CS that you could have gotten from GaTech CS, you could always get a masters from a better program and try again that way. In either case, a lot would come down to projects and preparation you do.


There isn’t a job out there that you could get from GT that you wouldnt be considered for as an NYU grad.

And, there are many more “local” ones that simply aren’t easily available to GT grads.

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Yes, I think the OP, being young, doesn’t realize the value of money - and how much you will save.

Even Warren Buffet’s kid should would choose NYU. You’re saving a lot of $$ - why I asked - what kind of question is this…being cynical.

100 or 100 are going to NYU.

Congrats - getting that kind of $$ from NYU - not easy. Was it merit, need, or something else?


Sure, in theory. In practice, some schools would have bigger networks at top companies than others, more of a hacker culture, more of an entrepreneurial culture, etc. But that still doesn’t outweigh the huge cost differential.


NYC is strong with NYU … so is Google / FB

And there are benefits to NYU being viewed as not being a CS destination. While the GaTech CS student body would be stronger, it is much bigger and complaints about huge class sizes and profs who don’t care about teaching (probably more that they are too busy and have too many students to deal with) are constant. At NYU, you’d have to create your own rigor but you’d have smaller CS classes and actually be able to engage with profs. And yes, while GaTech in-state (especially with the Zell Miller/HOPE making it close to tuition-free) is a great deal, paying $200K more for it is insane.

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Not sure you have to create your own rigor. Rankings are perception, opinion, formulaic based on what someone made up.

I know someone who went to Wharton for MBA and had no rigor - it was job search, job search, job search.

I wouldn’t necessarily say one is more rigorous than the other - we don’t know.

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Marisa131, are you familiar with the location of NYU Tandon? It is across the river in Brooklyn and not near the rest of the NYU campus. Academic buildings and one dorm are high rise and are located in Brooklyn’s Metro Tech Center. The other dorm is a 15 minute walk from the academic buildings in the adjacent and lovely Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. NYU housing is guaranteed to Tandon students. If a student is taking a course outside of Tandon in another division of NYU or is attending other NYU activities, it is necessary to commute between the 2 campuses by subway, NYU shuttle, or other means.

The scholarship is a wonderful opportunity, but it’s important that you understand how things are laid out and that you are comfortable with everything involved so that there will be no surprises when you get there.


Bill_Marsh - you are always the BEST with the nuggets. You need to write a book - seriously. The Bill Marsh Guide to Colleges!!!

You’re too kind. It’s just that I’m a native New Yorker who went to different levels of schooling in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx and worked at various jobs in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. A friend of mine holds his engineering degree from Brooklyn Polytech back before NYU bought it and renamed it. NYU has mad serious investments and upgrades. It’s an excellent school.

Here’s a nugget for you. The Brooklyn Heights neighborhood, where one of the Tandon dorms is, was the setting for the movie “Moonstruck” with Cher and Nicholas Cage. It was also home to the author Truman Capote when he lived in NYC. We took friends on a walking tour of the area and surrounding neighborhoods for a weekend 2 years ago.



Dear All - my son just got off the waitlist for Tandon in NYC but they have offered him a seat in the spring class. This is weird to me as it suggests that they didnt have any space in the fall?

He has accepted the Rutgers honors college for now but is also waiting for Georgia Tech waitlist decision.

Looks like ppl in this post are experienced while this is our first kid and we are trying to help him decide. So far, financially Rutgers is the best bet but I am hoping that he will get some merit scholarship from NYU too. Georgia Tech looks to be better than NYU in general even for out of state students (if he gets in).


@Bill_Marsh :slight_smile:

Confused. Didn’t you have a full ride ? What do you mean you got off the WL??

Different poster.

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ohhhhhhhhhh - then go to Rutgers. Read Bill Marsh on NYU location.

You got in for Spring - so you won’t get aid. NYU does little merit anyway.

Go to Rutgers and love it!!!


@WorriedButNot : NYU is unlikely to give merit aid to a WL or Psring admit student. OP had a full ride so Tandon made 100% sense. In your case, Rutgers honors (where most Engineering candidates who are admitted have sky high GPA and a 1500 SAT) is a way better choice. Only discusss GTech with your child if you’re ready to pay full price there.


Rutgers looks like a good choice to me. I’d stick with it.


Another vote for keeping Rutgers Honors. NYU Tandon engineering is not as elite as NYU’s other brands , like Stern. And starting in Spring means you dont start with the Fall intro engrg classes. Sounds a bit strange.

GA tech >> Rutgers, if you get off the waitlist and can afford full pay.