Get Football season tickets or not?

<p>I was wondering if it's worth getting Football season tickets if ur a student at Umich?</p>

<p>How big is Football during the weekends? What if u don't attend all the games? Would u just sell the tickets?</p>

<p>Michigan vs. Notre Dame (first ever night game at the Big House)
Michigan vs. Nebraska
Michigan vs. Ohio State</p>

<p>You can’t miss these games.</p>

<p>Gameday consumes the entire town. If you’re not at the game, then you’re watching it somewhere. Get the tickets. And if you don’t want to go to a game, it’s super easy to sell tickets. My roommate made like $120 by selling his Michigan State ticket alone. You could probably make all the money back by selling your Ohio State ticket.</p>

<p>Without a doubt get the football tickets. 2011 is one of the best home schedules ever. You can easily sell tickets to the big games. The Minnesotas and Eastern Michigans are tougher to sell.</p>

<p>Michigan football really makes the Fall amazing. I wouldn’t miss it.</p>

<p>Can’t see going to UM and not going to football games.</p>

<p>If this is a legitimate question then you should choose another school…</p>

<p>You don’t go to Michigan without getting that football experience! Get those tickets!</p>

<p>Football is life at UofM in the fall. Without a doubt, you must get tickets.</p>