<p>I want to know if I can get into Georgia Tech. it is everything i every wanted</p>
Math- 740 (missed only 2)
Reading- 600
Writing- 450 (8 on essay)</p>
AP Chemistry(99 first semester)
AP Chemistry, lab(96 second semester)
AP Computer Science A(97, 96)</p>
<p>Senior- (going to be senior, so no grades yet)
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
AP Physics
AP Bio (counts as two b/c full year)</p>
<p>Other Core Classes:
all of the higher math and sciences-
Honors Algebra, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra II, Honors Trig/adv algebra (pre calc)
Honors Bio, Honors Chemestry
all regular lit classes and history</p>
<p>Electives: took all computer/buisness classes except lifetime sports, Spanish I and II, and filmhistory next year</p>
All mostly high A's except made and 89 in spanish II (don't even get me started)
GPA is top 10 percent of my class in one of the best school of the state for sat scores (Georgia but still its a pretty good high school)</p>
Beta Club
National Honors Society
Scolastic All American in Swimming (you have to have a 3.5+ gpa and you got to Sectionals, its between state and nations)
High School Swim team for all HS and 8th grade
Internship with UGA IT employee for summer of Junior year
I will probably be able to swim for them in college but I'd like to know I could get in on merit and not be known as some jock or get injured and not be able to get in</p>