Get me excited about Binghamton!

Hey guys. After a series of pretty disappointing rejections and waitlists, it looks like I’m attending Binghamton University. I’m in Watson for CS but it’s looking likely that I’ll make the hop to Harpur to study chemistry. I’m in the Scholars program and Freshman Research Immersion. Right now I’m a little concerned about the apparent homogeneity of the school (at least judging by the Facebook group) and how it doesn’t seem as exuberantly intellectual as some of the other schools I applied to. Nevertheless, I still want to be excited about this fall. Can people who know the school well tell me fantastic things about it that aren’t apparent from the surface? If it helps, I’m unsure of my career path but I’ll likely be going to graduate school of some sort. I’m also really involved in theatre and am hoping for a vibrant improv and musical theatre scene. Thanks guys! (Sorry if the format is janky. I’m on mobile.)

It isn’t as exuberantly intellectual as other schools to which you applied?

And the school is apparently homogeneous - based on your Facebook group?

You got all that from one on-line forum? And you’re seeking a different bent from another forum? And you know the other schools - where you were waitlisted or rejected - don’t suffer from those perceived frailties?

If by homogeneity you mean that 85 percent of the student body hails from NY State, then you would be correct, yet you would find that at many state schools. But the student body couldn’t be more diverse in every other sense.

And if you don’t think Binghamton is “exuberantly intellectual,” and you got that from a forum, then either the forums for others schools are way more ostentatious or maybe, just maybe, you’re pre-judging some things.

Get excited about Binghamton by going to an admitted students day rather than relying on forums. I wouldn’t take such advice from total strangers. Like me.

@itsajoke Thanks for the condescension, bro. Much appreciated.

I am signed up for an admitted students day and I’m looking forward to it! Now, if anyone wants to actually answer my question instead of just being sarcastic and rude, you’re welcome to.

I’d be happy to respond… don’t quite understand the other commenters motivation for that comment haha seemed really unnecessary but anyway!

I too was disappointed after getting rejected from other schools, but I had always liked bing. After the open house yesterday I felt excited to go to college for the first time, so I don’t doubt that your experience will (hopefully) be similar.

from what I saw yesterday the student body was quite diverse. at the student only q&a, the students holding the panel were soooooo funny and honest about everything from drinking to classes, and i appreciated that binghamton had some sort of session without adults to get down into things some of us really want to know.

I know you’re really into science majors, but I don’t think you’ll feel a lack of intellectual stimulation. i live in nyc and my mom is extremely involved in the finance industry and tells me people are ALWAYS recruiting from bing. the SOM provides as ernst & youngs number one spot for recruitment. i would also see this article: to account for binghamtons credibility, value, and just how good the education is. I know its based of SOM, but in my opinion it speaks to the university as a whole.

don’t worry too much. i think admitted student day will help a lot.
hope to see you on campus this fall!

People are falling over themselves to get into Binghamton and you come across as someone who is disappointed to have to attend a “safety” full of people who are below you intellectually. The reality is there will be many people much smarter and more mature than you at Binghamton. I’ve seen it happen - you have a campus full of people who are bright, excited to be there, and looking forward to having an amazing college experience. Then there’s that person who feels the need to convince everyone that they could’ve gone to Cornell but Binghamton was cheaper, and they’re different than the typical state schooler, and they spend 4 years being detached and never finding their groove. Don’t be that person!

@sc09923 @rebeccar Thank you guys for your advice! My intention was never to come off as “too good” for Binghamton - it’s a fantastic school and I feel really lucky to be able to attend, since I know it’s plenty of peoples’ dream school. I spent today watching YouTube videos and hanging out on the group chats and I’m feeling a lot better about it than I was last night. Can’t wait for April 23rd/this fall and GO BEARCATS!

@itsajoke It seems like you are here to monitor that no one expresses ones true feelings about Binghamton. Poster was respectful in asking questions, if you don’t have anything good to say, why say it. These are young men and women, give them a break. Truth of the matter is, Binghamton is not Ivy League and that should be Ok. Be realistic.

It is really hard to be excited about a school you have never been to. Private schools spend tons of money on marketing and state schools, even the best ones fall behind. Nothing is wrong with asking current students to lift your spirits. I can’t go to the April 23rd event, but will be there the day after, hope I can still feel that spirit in the air!