Ask questions about Binghamton here!

Hey future Bearcats!

I used this site HEAVILY when I was applying to Binghamton and wanted to come back and return the favor for all the great help I got a few years ago.

I am a senior double majoring in political science and history, and I’ve loved every second of my time here.

Ask me whatever you’d like and I’ll try my best to answer!

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in the thread. Note that the OP has not been on CC since February 26, 2015.

If my major were to be in one school (e.g. Watson), would I be able to minor in something at another school (e.g. Harpur)?

Yes, I believe you can!

i was deferred early action? Does that affect my chances of being denied or accepted at all? Many people were notified that they were accepted today. My statuschecker still says under decision: “deferred to regular” does that still mean theres hope considering the final notifcation date is 4/1? I’m a new york resident, have 95.5 gpa, my acts are a tad weak at 25, im involved in multiple clubs, a two sport-4 year varsity starter, have been employed by a local business for 4 years and volunteer weekly at an elderly center, my essay was noted as well written by multiple teachers before submission. If it makes a difference i applied to harpur as undecided

Will I feel like an outsider if I am an out of stater or not Jewish? Sorry, I know it sounds silly, but I have a teacher at my school who told me religion is pretty prevalent at Binghamton. As for the nightlife and town, what are some fun things to do?


Do you have any recommendations for dorms? Thank you!

Can you give an updated review of the Dickinson community?

Which dorms are the most diverse?

Thank you!

is there GPA deflation at Binghampton? Are there alot of international asians?? My brother and sister go to Stony Brook and tell me all the time about the gpa deflation and huge ratio of asians

How are the parties? What do most people do on weekends? Are most people happy with the school? Thanks!!

thegrant, there is no p in Binghamton. Information about demographics is available on the web site or Common Date Set.

kjp1616- I remember asking about early action deferral. Yes, it does make you more competitive in the second round because it showed initiative. It isn’t a huge factor but it will definitely help.

Jews are everywhere, to be sure. But it’s not like they’re segregated, exclusivist or in any way xenophobic; to the contrary, some of the best friends I’ve made here are Jewish and religion is not at all an impediment. Obviously, you can’t generalize, but nearly all the Jews I’ve met are friendly, outgoing and more than willing to have non-Jewish friends. In terms of religion being prevalent on campus, it’s definitely there. The Jews at Binghamton generally take the Israel-Palestine issue pretty seriously, and it’s undoubtedly the most prevalent political issue on campus. Most people are polarized one way or the other; if you don’t care enough, you learn to stay out of it.

Fun things to do…I won’t lie, it’s a small town. If you’re a drinker/partier then of course there’s that atmosphere. Personally, I have never even gone to a bar and I’ve had a fantastic time. There are a huge amount of activities on campus, including some night life, and there’s always things to find to do with friends. Announcements are made all the time about various goings-on off campus, so just keep your ears open.

I personally liked Hinman, it was small and cozy and was very easy to make friends. The buildings are old but not disgustingly so.

Actually, I’ll just give a general impression of dorms here.

Hinman: read the above comment.
CIW: chock full of stoners, heavy drinkers, etc. The “rebels” on campus; I never cared for it. People will tell you "oh, it’s overblown, it isn’t that bad."In my opinion, it really is that bad. I would never live there.
Mountainview: Not too familiar. The walk up the hill is definitely annoying after some time but the dorms are relatively new and clean. Dining hall has the most scenic views on campus.
Newing/Dickinson: No real difference between the two so I’ll group them together. These are like luxury hotels, brand new and very clean. I was very impressed, these things are like luxury high rises, especially Dickinson. Best dining hall (C4, as we call it)

I actually don’t know anything about GPA deflation, sorry!

As for Asians, they’re everywhere. They will be in your dorms, all your classes, in the libraries, dining halls, etc. If your high school wasn’t very diverse then this will be a culture shock, but you get used to it. There are two general “types” of Asians: a minority that are very well integrated to American life and a majority that rarely learn sufficient English, keep to themselves and don’t integrate.
The latter group constitute a vast majority. They usually sit in class quietly and don’t participate, and when required to participate it’s clear they are unprepared or not paying attention. Walking around campus, they keep to their own kind and don’t integrate with the non-Asians too much.
I have to caveat all this, however. The non-integrated Asians are by no means hostile or “bad,” it’s just that no one really knows them. It also seems to be predominantly Chinese who don’t assimiliate or learn English; the Koreans, Filipinos, etc. usually branch out a lot more. The more I think about it, it seems to be only the Chinese, by and large, who act this way. Another big grouping of foreign students are from Turkey and they also integrate very well. Not sure what might be the reasons behind all this but I’m sure it would make for a fascinating sociology paper.

Parties are probably about what you’d expect at any other school; Binghamton is neither a party school nor a non-party school. Every year around early March we have what is called “Parade Day” and it’s an excuse for public drunkenness and general rowdiness. It’s become fairly epic and well-known among northeastern schools.

Most people are very happy to be here. There is the usual complaining about the weather (which is horrible) and the city itself (which has seen better days) but nearly every student will fiercely defend Binghamton. It’s a very unique place and I couldn’t recommend it more. It really is an amazing school, and for the quality/price it is a great value.

@jayfifthmonth I was wondering if there’s a dorm where I would interact more with sophomores or juniors. Or if I could have one as a roommate.

Do you know much about the math program?

I am wondering the same thing as @jayfifthmonth. I will be a transfer student and will be 20 when I go. I know this sounds kind of selfish but I would like to be surrounded by the least amount of freshman as possible haha

I’m going to be a transfer in the fall as well, and I will also be 20. Is there a specific dorm I should request where I can meet other transfer students? I’m sure it would be fine if I was grouped with a bunch of freshmen, but I’d still prefer to be around people closer in age to me. I was thinking of Dickinson or Mountainview, since they’re supposed to be really new and modern, but are these dorms social or fun to live in? The dorm I’m living in at my current school never has any events and none of the students hang out. I’d love to be in a more social dorm, especially since I’ll be new and won’t have any friends yet. Also, is it hard for transfers to make friends?