Get Up For Army Week!

<p>Anyone going to Westpoint this coming weekend? I really wish I could go :frowning:
Oh, and it was our Army guy who took control of the command center last night (I was asleep, but I heard about it).</p>

<p>i was layin in bed and i here the song from all the army commercials… i thought it was a dream, then i sat up and heard him say “army strong! beat air force!” or somethin, and i just laughed and slept :slight_smile: how’d he do that?</p>

<p>i wanted to go too, but it’s too expensive :(</p>

<p>I have no clue. When he said command center in his email, I thought he meant CQ desk. And then I realized he took over the real command center.</p>

<p>we were cracking up in my room. i was definitely asleep, but that song is LONG! ;)</p>

<p>for those who aren’t privy, this song played over the pa system at midnight last night: [YouTube</a> - Army Strong](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>followed by a declaration of Army’s strength</p>

<p>From last year: [YouTube</a> - Air Force Awesome (USAFA)](<a href=“]YouTube”> ;)</p>

<p>i’m going to the game! of course its just a litle drive from here, but i can’t wait. i know GroogWaugh is going too</p>

<p>I know i am going to get killed by you Uppers next year during army week… GO ARMY!!!</p>

<p>Why is the prep kid rootin for Army? </p>

<p>And yea your Army dude ticked off our uppers when he yelled into the PA system, woke em all up… ;)</p>

<p>Because “the prep kid” was in the Army longer than the AF, still is considering a cross-comission, and is fourth generation Army.</p>

<p>Psssssst Bluesuiter, I am a Broncos fan and used to go see them play Oakland in Oakland. Always much easier when I dressed in silver and black and didn’t get too excited.</p>

<p>I completely missed that one…deep sleeper, I guess.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. They took all his uniforms and his bed is currently sitting outside of Sijan tower. Shame it’s nowhere where anyone can see it (we face towards the vistor’s center). He said not to take his flight suit since he has soaring, so they left him my roommate’s. Ours are about the same size and I have the smallest size possible.</p>

<p>We stole our army cadet’s uniforms, and left him only a flight suit and a chicken suit, which he will be wearing Wednesday! We also moved his room outside to the basketball courts. Tomorrow I’m wearing his ACUs, they’re pretty much getting passed around the squad, lol.</p>

<p>Buckaroo, I think I saw your army guy’s matress on the basketball courts when I went down for practice today, very funny</p>

<p>haha ya i saw the mattress too, nice!</p>

<p>We moved our Army AOC’s office desk from his office into the men’s room. He now has a fully functional office (complete with ethernet and phone line running from his office to the bathroom along the hallway). I wonder how long he will be in there before he forces us to move it back…</p>

<p>HA! Hilarious Mamboguy! Now I s’pose he can really ‘take care of business’…lol!! :slight_smile: I’d love to see pictures of these pranks!</p>

<p>hooray for halloween formations where the 4digs cant dress up!..</p>

<p>either way, it was pretty hilarious. i saw things that i would’ve never thought of in my life… the paper boy on a little bicycle throwing newspapers at Gen. Cox was my favorite… lol</p>


<p>Edit: How did this post get before HNeedle’s?</p>

<p>I saw his before I posted this one.</p>