Getting a little worried about physics

Okay, so I made a post along similar lines to this post before, and I know it’s summer and 12:09 am— a horrible time to be thinking about my junior year course rigor. I’m a rising junior. So far in high school I have a 4.0. I have recently started prepping for the SATs as well.
So far in high school I’ve taken 3 AP’s— APUSH, AP Lang, & AP Gov, and I was one of 3 students in my grade to take both Lang & APUSH sophomore year (not saying this to brag, but because it’s relevant to my next question). I want to major in a humanities major. I am taking the full IB DP next year, my HL classes being English, world history, and biology. I’m also taking honors pre calc, honors Spanish 5, and AP comparative government (i really like the subject, and the teacher who teaches it is one of my favorites and I think he might write my College recommendation).
As it stands rn, I’ll take IB math SL senior year (which I’m not sure if it “counts” as calculus for admissions purposes, but I really hope so---- I couldn’t take HL unless I doubled up on summer math bc of my middle school track), as well as my HL’s, SL anthropology, and TOK. My school doesn’t offer SL physics. In senior year I will have one free period—if I’m aiming for schools like Yale, Brown, Amherst, and Wesleyan, am I going to need to take physics then?
Keep in mind— I am a humanities person. I’m actually not bad at math, but I’m veryyyy spatially challenged, and I think physics would likely be the class that hits my intellectual weaknesses most out of any high school class. I’m not so worried about my GPA, although that’s a factor, but IB is so stressful and to have another class that causes such stress might be too much for my senior year mental health. Should I just take my schedule as is junior year and then see if I want to tackle physics senior year? Anyone have any anecdata about how much this could hurt me? I’m kind of getting worried.

If I didn’t take physics, I would probably take a Newspaper class so I could be an editor for my school’s paper, which I love doing.