Getting C's in High School

As of the end of this year (my sophomore year in high school). I have FIVE C’s for my semester grades on my report card from throughout my years in 8th grade-10th grade (taking high school classes in 8th). The rest are A’s and B’s, but I am incredibly worried. Two of the C’s are from math and two are from history, which are clearly my two weakest subjects. What does this mean for me in terms of my future in college?

List out your 9th and 10th grade classes and grades. (8th grade doesn’t count.) I’m sure someone here will give you advice.

Does 8th grade really not count even if you are taking true HS credit classes? Both my kids completed their Geometry and Algebra II/Trig before HS (9th) and I know they counted towards their HS credit and GPA.

Depends on the district. DS did the same in 8th grade and I think these subjects counted towards his HS graduation requirements but not GPA.
I’d advise OP to try and figure out the reasons for these grades (test anxiety? insufficient understanding? bad organizational skills?) and try to fix them. Colleges like to see an upward trend in grades.

maybe try community college. many top schools accept transfer students, and if you’re capable of earning a high gpa it’ll show

Depends on district - nothing in my d’s transcript shows if it wasn’t taken during 9-12 grade, even her high school level math taken in 8th grade.

There are tons of good schools that you will be eligible for. Relax. Work on your study skills etc…you will have plenty of options.

There are 2500+ 4 year colleges in the USA. There is one for you.

What I would suggest is figure out what you can do differently in your math and history classes.
Here are ideas:

Work on getting your grades up. What’s in the past is done. The better you do in the future, the more options you will likely have. Colleges like upward trends.

Ok I would suggest that the OP check and see if HS classes taken in middle school show up on their transcript and GPA before discounting them, as all of my kids HS level classes even back to the 6th grade show up on theirs and count towards their GPA.

Thank you for all of the replies!
When I go on Naviance, it shows all of my high school classes taken in 8th, 9th, and 10th, but none of my middle school classes in 8th or before that, so I am assuming that they count toward my GPA and transcript.

Whether past grades count or not, they’re in the past and shouldn’t be what to focus on.

Reflect on the challenges you faced and how you may better tackle them, and then focus on doing your best going forward. As noted above, there are thousand of colleges in the US not in the magic “T20”, a fact often missed on CC.

(FWIW, our transcripts show all pre-9th advanced classes but don’t factor them in a HS GPA. Every district has their own rules. And it is what it is - accepting it, discounting it, etc., really doesn’t mean anything, imho).