<p>Just wondering if you could give me some advice on whether I should consider McGill Engineering. I am a girl who attends High School in NY state and McGill is my dream school for Chem Engineering. I am a little concerned about my chances on getting in though...</p>
<p>GPA: unweighted: 3.7 (this is really bad :( )</p>
<p>ACT: comp 30</p>
<p>10 AP classes: BC Calc, AP Physics, AP Chem, AP Comp Sci AB, AP Latin, AP Euro, AP US hist, AP US Gov, AP Eng Comp, AP Eng Lang</p>
<p>8 Honors classes</p>
<p>Excariculars: Math team Captain, Newspaper Junior/ Senior Editor, Foreign Language club, Model UN, working 15+ hrs/week, JV Softball 9th & 10th, JV Cross Country 9th, Varsity XC skiing 9th, over 150 hrs of volunteering ect.</p>
<p>(sorry that was so long) if you could please tell me my chances I would greatly appreciate it! thanks</p>