Getting into McGill Engineering

<p>Just wondering if you could give me some advice on whether I should consider McGill Engineering. I am a girl who attends High School in NY state and McGill is my dream school for Chem Engineering. I am a little concerned about my chances on getting in though...</p>

<p>GPA: unweighted: 3.7 (this is really bad :( )</p>

<p>ACT: comp 30</p>

<p>10 AP classes: BC Calc, AP Physics, AP Chem, AP Comp Sci AB, AP Latin, AP Euro, AP US hist, AP US Gov, AP Eng Comp, AP Eng Lang</p>

<p>8 Honors classes</p>

<p>Excariculars: Math team Captain, Newspaper Junior/ Senior Editor, Foreign Language club, Model UN, working 15+ hrs/week, JV Softball 9th & 10th, JV Cross Country 9th, Varsity XC skiing 9th, over 150 hrs of volunteering ect.</p>

<p>(sorry that was so long) if you could please tell me my chances I would greatly appreciate it! thanks</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance, however I do not know what your ACT component scores are. A 3.7 unweighted is not really bad, not even somewhat bad, especially with 10 AP's. McGill does not look at ec's nor require essays. The process is all numbers driven and acceptance depends on the applicant pool in any year. Give it a shot.....</p>