Getting into medical school the regular way

<p>Previously my mindset was such that if I didn't get into these combined programs, which most likely I will not (probability), I could get into med school via the regular MCAT way.</p>

<p>Problem is, I have been looking through the MSAR and at the stats for people going into medical school and it's pretty surprising.</p>

<p>There are a significant amount of people that score extremely well on the mcat that don't get into medical school. THere is a graph that shows the disparity between each score and how many got in/how many didnt. The results are pretty staggering.</p>

<p>well, getting into med school is actually somewhat similar to getting into undergrad. The difference is that you take the mcat instead of the sat and your gpa is calculated differently. You still have to do ecs and the whole deal. There are people with high sat scores who get rejected from top colleges, right? Its similar for med school admissions too. Its a brutal world.</p>

<p>epsilon9090- where exactly did you find these graphs because I would also like to look at them</p>