<p>I am a Male 15 Year old international Sophmore student and am doing 11 GCSE's 2 AS levels and 1 A Level by the end of my sophmore year.I haven't done my SAT's and will not do them by application time for summer school.
I have started a cricket league in my school and played for the team which won a national cricket team. I am part of 10 members of YBM, an elite business group of the school.I have taken part in the Face 2 Faith program and also taken part of Achiever's International. I am also head of inter year/ house events.I am an accomplished public speaker and take part in the Toastmaster's program. I have also successfully climbed Mt.Kilimanjaro for charity.</p>
<p>P.S. My biggest issue is I will not be able to give my SAT or any standardized test scores.</p>
<p>Anyone gone to Pre-College at UPenn for the summer, please tell me my chances.</p>
<p>I attended LBW (Leadership in the Business World) West 2011 at Wharton San Francisco. We stayed in San Francisco for three weeks and traveled as a group to UPenn for a week to join the East students. It was definitely an AMAZING experience. I cannot even stress this enough. I’m still in touch with all my friends, chatting and skyping frequently. Furthermore, the experiences and insights of business I’ve taken away from this program is worth much more than $7,000. It is probably the best business enrichment program you can apply to. If you have any other questions or concerns about the program, feel free to PM me! </p>
<p>It’s not hard at all. I got in sophomore year with a <200 PSAT (LOOOL fail I didn’t study), no SATs, not too many extra-curriculars but a fairly decent essay.</p>
<p>From what you’ve shared, you have a huge chance of getting in since they like international kids. And assuming you’re applying to the actual pre-college program run by Summer Discovery and not LBW, you have a >50% chance. I got into two different Penn summer programs, so you can email me with any questions :D</p>
<p>I got in with a 1650 SAT, a 3.6 GPA, not many extracurriculars, but a great essay. I think they could care less about stats if you have a good reason for attending and display it in your essay.</p>