Getting into stonybrook?

<p>I really would like to get into stony brook, my friends are going there, it has the academic programs i want, and just seems awesome. Yet i don't think I can get in..</p>

<p>I had a 81 average going into senior year but then on my first quarter i got a 88 average i really don't how that effects my overall average but i'm pretty sure its good for my overall average.</p>

<p>Stony brook only looks at two parts of the SAT so:</p>

<p>1st time: 970
2nd time: 1070</p>

<p>I've also had a few jobs and 150 ours of community service. What do you think about my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>What is your transcript average?
For Stony Brook, you need at least an 1100 and at least an 87 average - plus or minus a few.</p>

<p>You need extra curriculars and skills and what not, which you seem to have. Your essay would have to be extremely good and 1070 and an 81 is below average.</p>