Getting more aid... now?

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>I just realized that that health insurance wasn't included in the aid package? Any point in trying to appeal for it now? Anyone tried it before? </p>

<p>Also, I read somewhere that you can apply for travel aid (I'm intl), or was that already included in our packages?</p>

<p>I’m glad I’m not the only one amazed at how they just sneak a $3,000 health plan on us!</p>

<p>Yeah I was like saay WHAAAATT. And I think it’s worth a try.</p>

<p>From the Penn FA booklet they sent:
Other Expenses
Other expenses that are not included in the educational expense budget are: laboratory fees for certain courses, the College House Program fee if you live in College Housing, the New Student Orientation fee, and student health insurance if you are not covered
under your parents’ medical plan. Upon request, financial aid may be available to assist you with these costs.</p>

<p>Student Health Insurance
As a condition of enrollment, all full-time students are subject to submission of health and immunization records, coverage for outpatient medical care through the Student Health Service, and maintenance of health insurance coverage for in-patient and catastrophic care. Students who do not provide information about their health insurance coverage will automatically be enrolled in the Penn Student Insurance Plan (PSIP). The current academic year cost for PSIP for an unmarried student without dependents is
$2,808. (Penn may cover this cost with additional financial aid upon request.) Visit the Student Health Services website at [Student</a> Health](<a href=“]Student”>Wellness at Penn | Wellness at Penn) for insurance details.</p>

<p>They don’t know if you need insurance…</p>

<p>From the FA booklet for International Students:
Travel: Travel costs from outside the United States, Canada and Mexico are not included in your educational expense budget. (To assist you with the costs, Penn does not expect the student summer earnings component of your family contribution. If you need additional resources for travel, loan or grant may be available, depending on your level of financial need, to cover one round trip per year, upon request.)</p>

<p>Nice thanks! I’ll definitely try for more aid for the insurance now. Can’t believe that it costs so much haha.</p>