getting nervous!

<p>I feel like i just wanna scream!!!!</p>

<p>Anyways i was listening to "beautiful girls" by Sean Kingston and thought how funny it would be if you replaced the word "girls" with "colleges"</p>

<p>here's a taste:</p>

<p>"damn all these beautiful'll have me suicidal when you say it's over"</p>

<p>this just proves that i've been thinking too much about colleges and really need a break!</p>

<p>anyone else feel this way?</p>

<p>wow. thats an interpretation…
but read tokenadults threat called “Now it not the time to worry.”</p>

<p>i went straight, right click “YouTube” tab, typed in “beautiful girls”. Wahaha… old song, not bad =]
it fits quite well!</p>

<p>ha the now is not the time to worry thread isnt helpful at all!
if you’re realistic, you know now IS the time to worry!</p>

<p>lol i love that interpretation/adaptation of the song, good job haha</p>