Girls at HCSSiM?

<p>Sounds like a stupid question, but... I'm applying, and I was just looking through some pictures of past sessions, and I barely saw any girls.... I was wondering if I would feel really uncomfortable being a rather social, artsy chick at this place. Anyone been there? Is the testosterone level completely insufferable?</p>

<p>I love math and would probably go if I got in (<em>sigh</em> I probably won't be accepted anyway), but I do place value on comfort .__.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if HCSSiM has sent admission for summer 2010 yet? We are getting worried that we have not heard back from them!</p>

<p>bumpityyy bump, i’m still curious.</p>

<p>I was a girl at HCSSIM and I had a fantastic time. There were very few girls compared to boys but there were enough of us for me to make two lifelong friends. The girls tended to organize the social stuff and we accumulated a large group of guys as friends and we stayed friends for many year. A girl at my son’s school went there four years ago and said that it was the best experience of her life. So there is no reason to be afraid to be a girl at HCSSIM and in fact, it is probably one of the best math programs to be a girl because the emphasis is not on aggressive competition and testosterone but on learning and having fun while you do it.</p>

<p>Do not be afraid to be a girl at HCSSIM. It will be a great experience–one of the best in my life and one of the best in the life of a girl in the class of my older son. My younger son is going this summer and he is very non-aggressive, non-competitive and nice. He has a number of girl friends at school. So you will meet some very nice boys who are not just nerds or over-aggressive.</p>