Girls Complaining That Guys Are Always Looking At Them

<p>And my little feeble mind thought people went to the beach to play in the water. Apparently not…</p>

<p>NonAntiAnarchist, mine? Romani Gypsy Eyes… the capitalization didn’t work right when I created my user name over three years ago :(</p>

<p>wow crazy topic!</p>



<p>I don’t mind at all either. If somebody wants to check my girlfriend out, so be it.</p>

<p>^^^ Ah, how did I miss that? :rolleyes:</p>



<p>There’s your problem. :stuck_out_tongue: Do it or don’t, but it’s going to be really obvious if you feel awkward about it.</p>

<p>For the record, I don’t stare, and I would be really offended if someone were staring at my girlfriend.</p>



<p>Why? I’m not attacking you; I’m just curious.</p>

<p>There’s a difference between looking and staring. Staring is creepy.</p>

<p>Girls want to be noticed and looked at, not stared at.</p>



<p>Lol, true. I was confusing the two as the same. Staring <em>is</em> creepy and offensive.</p>



<p>Who said there was a problem? I meant awkward after the fact. I don’t feel awkward doing it. I meant awkward if the girl noticed and embarassed me or something of that nature.</p>

<p>I could care less…guys can look at me all they want. I wear skirts and low-cut shirts not to get guys attention…I wear them because I simply like the style (and they are comfortable clothes for me). I don’t mind compliments too much, but when they make comments in front of me or cat-call, that’s when I start feeling uncomfortable. When I am running, all gross down the street I don’t want guys (especially creepy old ones) to whistle or hoot. It’s ridiculous and rather embarrassing.</p>

<p>Agreed with fa-la-la-lena. Being looked at is flattering; girls who complain all the time about “creepers” have self-image issues. But if I’m at the gym, please pretend I’m invisible. When I’m sweaty and gross on the treadmill, I don’t want anyone looking at me.</p>

<p>In all honesty, all girls dress up (whether like sluts or more covered up) to get attention. I was talking to a friend and she said she gets up pretty early! She said she needed about 30 min to do her hair, make sure her outfits match/look nice, then put on jewelry…I’m so used to checking out girls that I never pay attention to how well the majority of them dress. hahahha</p>

<p>When someone gets asked on a date, who does the asking? Who gets the attention of the guy? I dunno, but the way society is set up (idk about other cultures) allows the guys to pick and choose while the girl sits idly by. The only way for her to get attention is to dress up. </p>

<p>I gotta agree, I’ve heard many girls complain about “creepers” checking them out. HAHHAH Staring is def not the same as a look/glance!</p>



<p>Why are they looking again? I really have a problem with people looking at anyone as a way to think about them sexually. So someone doing that to me or someone I’m with would really bother me.</p>



<p>Right, do it and don’t feel awkward afterward. Or don’t do it. But don’t let her embarrass you.</p>

<p>Any guy that gets ****ed when another guy is looking at his girl has some obvious jealousy/insecurity issues. If his girl is hot, probably not going to last long. The fact that other guys are checking your girl out says one thing: she’s hot. Who cares what they think about her, you’re the one that’s hitting that every night. It’s a good thing.</p>

<p>If a girl has issues with guys looking at her, she’s full of ****. Girls love the ego-boost.</p>

<p>If it’s an accident I don’t care, it’s my fault for wearing something that allows for that accident to happen. But if they are going out of their way to get a look or staring, then I think that is rude.</p>

<p>"If a girl has issues with guys looking at her, she’s full of ****. Girls love the ego-boost. "</p>

<p>I really don’t get any sort of boost from a man noticing I have breasts. They’ve been there since I was 11 years old, I am over it.</p>

<p>I’m not talking about staring at breasts. I’m talking about just looking at a woman from a short distance and acknowledging that yea, she’s pretty hot. Most girls that put effort into their appearance do so for this exact reason. It feels good to have people look at you; it’s acknowledging that other people think you look good.</p>

<p>Yes, staring at breasts or looking up skirts or looking down cleavage is something that shouldn’t be done.</p>

<p>Considering this forum is predominantly males, and a large portion of socially-inept ones at that, I can’t say I’m surprised but this thread is just getting downright disturbing. “No means yes”, “girls love the attention no matter what they say?” You guys kind of sound like fledgling psychos.</p>

<p>I’m in classes that are almost 90% male so I have some experience with this and trust me, it is neither flattering or desirable to get creepy stares all day. Looking at someone casually? Fine. Looking at someone like you’re trying to see through their clothes? Creepy, I don’t care how you’re dressed. Sitting directly behind someone in our ridiculously steep lecture room to try to look down someone’s shirt? You’re asking for a kick in the crotch. Just don’t do it.</p>

<p>I was trying to convey “looking at someone casually.” Of course staring at someone or looking down cleavage is more than weird and offensive.</p>

<p>“Looking at someone casually” is something way different from staring. A quick glance is sometimes a reaction. Continuing it is clearly a choice.</p>



<p>If it’s staring, then concern is definitely justified. I wouldn’t want anyone with me, whether I’m romantically involved with them or not, to be stared it in a clearly sexual manner, because I find it incredibly demeaning.</p>