<p>I lot of my friends say that guys and girls can never be soul mates without romantic involvement. </p>
<p>Girls, please take the poll here:</p>
<p>I want see how many girls think this way.</p>
<p>I lot of my friends say that guys and girls can never be soul mates without romantic involvement. </p>
<p>Girls, please take the poll here:</p>
<p>I want see how many girls think this way.</p>
<p>From personal experience, I don’t see many guys and girls being best friends without the thought of possible romantic/sexual involvement coming to the table at some point. I’ve seen many situations where a guy and a girl are “best friends” and one of them eventually falls for the other, but they eventually “decide” its best to “not ruin the friendship” by having sex or dating. However, if the opportunity ever arose, the enamored person would run with it. I think that entirely platonic brother/sister type friendships aren’t that common.</p>
<p>well, one of my close friends is a guy, and I wouldn’t say we’re “soulmates”, just good friends…I don’t know, soulmates makes me think of a boyfriend, not just a friend. we’re not best friends or anything, but we’re close, and both straight, never had feelings for each other. definitely a brother/sister type of relationship. i’ve never even considered dating him, and the feeling is mutual. not because it would “ruin our friendship”, but because i’d never be interested in him that way. he’s like a male version of me, and no one wants to date themself.</p>
I disagree. I’d love to date myself, it’d be the perfect match.</p>
<p>I also disagree with the concept of having a “soul mate” as souls are not proven to exist, along with fate, destiny, etc… plus, if one person has a soul mate and marries someone random, that just screwed it up for the rest of the world now hasn’t it?</p>
<p>I don’t think “soul mate” has to do with the existence of souls.</p>
<p>several conditions (but definitely not all of them) that I can think of where guys and girls can be “soulmates” without romantic attachments:</p>
<li>they have such a brother/sister type friendship or were friends from such a young age that they exhibit the Westermarck effect (wikipedia it if you don’t know what it is)</li>
<p>Yeah I’d agree with the above poster that except in rare circumstances one of those factors has to be present for a guy/girl relationship to be intimate and platonic at the same time.</p>
<p>So yes, I have a really intimate (not physically, though he is kind of touchy-feely) relationship with a guy, where we make sure to text/see each other at least a few times every day and tell each other everything. He is the best friend I’ve ever had. But he’s gay.</p>