
<p>To each their own, then. I think hipster guys are pretty hot. Hipster girls are even hotter though. Anyway, I'm not too worried about finding attractive people on the campus. It doesn't even have to be on campus. World isn't limited to UChicago if I end up going there.</p>

<p>True 10char</p>

<p>No one will care about squirrels if I go to UChicago. ;) if i get in, that is.</p>

<p>Wow, pretentious much?
It's ok, I know you're kidding (at least I hope you are).
I go to a high school that definitely has the same thing as UChicago (as in it is composed almost entirely of math/science nerds) and I can definitely say there are a lot more "cute" girls than guys. Girls here, especially the underclassmen, dress up. In fact most “preppy” guys and girls usually dress up. Still, the really sweet nerdy boys definitely grow on you after a while. I've become so used to being able to have intelligent conversations with guys that when I go home to visit my old high school. I think a lot of the guys who only talk about sports and can’t talk about a recent news article or the fastest way to “lube a cube” are idiots. And I’m not even a math/science person myself. It’s just nice to be able to learn new things from guys, and I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to date guys who are actually sweet. Just saying…</p>

<p>Haha, the only thing is that Chicago isn't particularly a math/science focused school. You're as likely to find somebody crazy about declensions in Latin as you are somebody who's into astrophysics.</p>

<p>What we are missing, as far as nerddom goes, are the engineering types, the kids who have Legos on their desks. In high school I was friends with a lot of people who steered towards engineering.</p>

<p>The companion t-shirt says: "Where the squirrels are more aggressive than the guys." This observation, however, must be taken in context. One day I was walking near campus and saw a standoff between a single U of C squirrel and a pit bull. The squirrel did not run up a nearby tree, but instead faced the dog, assumed a threatening posture, and began walking toward it. The confused dog backed off. The squirrel was definitely more aggressive than I was or will ever be.</p>

can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to date guys who are actually sweet. Just saying…


<p>Yeah that's all fine and good but guys seem to take this a bit far. Basic hygine and some semblance of attractiveness are necessary. I don't know many people who would date a pimply, smelly girl just because she's smart. Which is why I am disgusted with guys who feel victimized because they don't look like Abercrombie models. </p>

<p>Personally, I have no problem with girls being a bit shallow as well. :P</p>

<p>See we've got the lego types and those that walk around with rubik's cubes, but we've got a lot that are just smart and funny and not cute in the "designer" way, but are actually pretty cute. Ditto for the girls.
I don't find anything wrong with being shallow. I mean, I judge people based on how they look, and if you show up on a date with a ripped up shirt that has stains on it, and you're obviously not showered...then I'm assuming you obviously don't care enough to put some effort in your date. I do think there's a difference between caring that you look good (as in neat, clean, and comfy) and caring about labels. The former I agree with. I won't dress up to go to class but I will go thrift store hopping for cute, funky, and cheap clothes. The latter I disapprove of. Since when is name brand important? All that make the difference is the end result, and if you want to look like everyone else with same exact clothes, knock yourself out, but don't stick up your nose at people if they don't do the same.</p>

<p>Funny how the same thing is true about a college education. Harvard and Yale are deemed as such amazing schools but even if you look at Princeton Review, they don't have a lot going for them other than the low acceptance rate. The best classroom experience and education is usually found at schools that are much more underrated like Reed and our very own UChicago. Therefore, I think that the people who want to go to Uchicago for the name, are really missing out on what it has to offer.</p>

<p>Sorry that was my rant of the day. My friends and I were discussing this today in detail.</p>

<p>Reaching back into the dim recesses of memory, stretching back to the dawn of humankind, I recall that an apparent shortage of cute [boys/girls/squirrels/whatever floats your boat] is something that each of you has the power to do something about, wherever you are. No one has to live without cute whatevers! Here's the magic formula:</p>

<li><p>Find a party. Preferably one with some music and not too many lights.</p></li>
<li><p>Have a beer.</p></li>
<li><p>Woo-hoo! Everyone is cuter!</p></li>
<li><p>Repeat as necessary until you achieve the desired balance of cute companions and ability to do something about it.</p></li>

<p>Of course, like all magic, this is subject to abuse. It's not the way you want to live your whole life. (It may, however, account for the perceived superiority of large, frat-dominated public universities in the cute-whatever department.)</p>

<p>If you don't like using this kind of magic, you can use another tried-and-true, but slower method: Wait a few months. Everyone will look cuter then. I guarantee it.</p>

<p>Haha. Tucker Max, a writer and graduate of the University of Chicago, wrote on his website that the University of Chicago is the place where fun goes to die.</p>

<p>"fun goes to die"? How novel. :(</p>

<p>Tucker didn't come up with that himself. He couldn't have. Tucker lived in Mathews House in B-J; the shirt is sold and the slogan is owned by Shorey House in Pierce.</p>

<p>Also: <a href=""&gt;;/a> sort of lays claim to it.</p>

<p>Oh, well it was funny anyways.</p>

Basic hygine and some semblance of attractiveness are necessary.


<p>Sometimes, I do like the smell of sweaty boys though.</p>

<p>S1 has had no problem meeting and dating attractive & smart young women at Chicago. He now has a very attractive dual–major GF that he is crazy about, and it appears mutual. </p>

<p>It may be apocryphal, but I believe part of the Chicago lore has it that about 50% of the students meet their husband or wife at Chicago. If true, someone must be attracting someone.</p>

<p>^ Most people I tell that stat to go "No way! That's too high" but it's such a cute idea. Maybe it's in the water?</p>

<p>I <3 hipsters.

<p>Let's not bash UO and AA. I actually like shopping there.</p>