<p>Chance me, will you?</p>
<p>GPA: 90/100, UW
ACT: 31</p>
<p>I've taken the most advanced courseload offered at my school.</p>
<p>Senior Year Classes:
-AP Lit
-Adv. Calc
-Modern Physics
-Global Conflicts (and another history in the spring, not sure which yet)
-Theatre (9, 10, 11, 12)
-National Honor Society (Secretary)
-Junior State of America (Treasurer, Secretary)
-Human Rights Club (Co-President)
-Volunteer at Texas Childrens Hospital (200 hours, only senior year)
-Bnai Brith Youth Organization (Vice President, Secreatary, several committees)
-Varsity Softball (9, 10)
-HS Literary Magazine (Prose Editor)</p>
<p>Recs: One from my phyiscs teacher, one from my AP Lang teahcer, should be very strong. I got As in both their classes and they both love me.</p>
<p>Essays: Really great</p>
<p>So, what do you think?</p>