go stupid in your buick

<p>when are cadets allowed to have cars?</p>

<p>If you bring a car with you to Beast then you won't have to do any marches. You can drive back to post from Buckner at the end of Beast. All the really stupid kids will just be marching. And the cadre will be so happy to have you drive into Highland Falls to pick up a pizza for them. You could be the most popular new cadet at Beast! Definitely bring the car.</p>

You are the best!!</p>

<p>i'm impressed. i am getting toe-up from the tow upt.</p>

<h2>If you bring a car with you to Beast then you won't have to do any marches. You can drive back to post from Buckner at the end of Beast. All the really stupid kids will just be marching. And the cadre will be so happy to have you drive into Highland Falls to pick up a pizza for them. You could be the most popular new cadet at Beast! Definitely bring the car.</h2>

<p>actually- i can do one better. I can swipe fruit from the dining hall and ferment wine in my room. and I can bring my gun from home cuz the m16 is too heavy. i'll buy arc'teryx backpacks for the whole company cuz alice packs hurt.</p>

<p>lol.. if you're looking for a serious answer, cadets are allowed to have cars "when they grow up"</p>

<p>If I'm not mistaken, that's the second half of yuk year.. but be prepared for at least a half-mile walk back to your parking spot. Only those so-called "stripers" get the good spots.</p>

<p>Not to worry, 8. You'll be issued a top of the line arc'teryx backpack. Because you're so special, you'll be the only one who gets a really nice backpack. Having the right equipment is so important when your parents send you away to summer camp. That way they'll know that your self-esteem will improve.</p>

<p>And you won't have to worry about making your own wine. It's provided in the Mess Hall. Just make sure you're especially sociable during meals. Ask a lot of questions and make sure to look the cadre in the eye. Also make sure you know the color of the ceiling in the Mess Hall. Stare at it during meals. They'll love your enthusiasm for learning. Because you're so good, they may even let you skip learning Knowledge.</p>

<p>Oh, yeah, bring the extra guns with you. They probably aren't on the list, but you're so special that you can have them. Don't forget the mp3 player. It will be very relaxing to just chill and listen to music during all the down time. </p>

<p>The last bit of advice is: don't bother reading any of the material they send you before R-Day. It's not important anyway.</p>

<p>wine in the mess hall? thizzlamic. it's like french MRE's. they have wine in em.</p>

<p>can't forget distilling moonshine with jeep radiators ;P</p>

<p>No, you're not "grown up" second half of Yuk year. Try second half of Cow year. And EVERYONE parks way up high in the lots.</p>

<p>momoftwins: Thanks for sharing the inside scoop with the soon-to-be new cadets. Who would have thought a year ago that momoftwins would be "yanking the chain" of posters? This last year has surely changed both cadets and parents.</p>

<p>Top 5 Reasons Plebes aren't allowed cars at West Point.</p>

<li><p>"Drive up to the line in front of the cadet with the red sash" just doesn't sound right.</p></li>
<li><p>Highland Falls highway system too complex for plebes to navigate.</p></li>
<li><p>Plebes must keep such a low profile they can't see over the dashboard.</p></li>
<li><p>Superintendent's car is always available to plebes on a "loaner" basis.</p></li>
<li><p>Plebes love West Point so much they never want to leave base.</p></li>