Go visit UA!

<p>DS and I just returned from our first visit to UA. We were both very impressed with what we saw, the people we met with, the programs available, the facilities, the food, etc… Really everything was impressive! This school is definitely at the top of his list now. Thanks M2CK for all of your helpful suggestions. It helped make for a very productive visit.<br>
Count me among those who would have never considered Alabama until stumbling across information about it on this forum. I liked what I read and wanted to find out more. There are a lot of exciting things going on at that university and you can’t fully appreciate it all until you go visit for yourself.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your visit went well.</p>


<p>Roll tide!</p>

<p>Glad you enjoyed your visit! you know Dabo went to Alabama and T-town is all UA like Clemson is all Clemson :wink: one of the things my son liked better about UA was that Tuscaloosa is a bigger town than Clemson</p>

<p>(from a mom who has been to Clemson for various activities many times over the years)</p>

<p>fair warning – don’t visit if you aren’t really ready for your child to go so far away :-(</p>


<p>lol…yes, if your child visits Bama, he/she is going to love it! </p>

<p>We visited Clemson before visiting Bama. My son and I really liked Clemson. But when he visited Bama, it was like…wow…this is like Clemson but more to do, bigger city, on the river, etc. (ha…and no orange. :wink: ) Although we really like the tiger paw prints painted on the streets. </p>

<p>BTW…I really like Coach Dabo Swinney. He tells a really sweet story about when he was at Bama. His parents had recently divorced, his parents had lost their business, the dad was a horrible alcoholic, and his mom really had no place to go. He let his mom sleep in his room for his entire 4 years at Bama. lol…how many college boys would do that? </p>

<p>(If you’re wondering why Dabo has that nickname, it’s because after he was born, his older brother kept calling him “that boy”, but it would come out as “dabo”…and it stuck. )</p>

<p>Somehow, the fact that my DD will be far away is mitigated by the AHHHHHMAZING experience that the entire family feels awaits her there.</p>

<p>I do not think I would feel the same if she had fallen in love with any other university. Sometimes it is just meant to be.</p>

<p>Our story is the same…CC>research>visit>LOVE</p>

<p>In fact, DD, a rising senior, was asked to write a personal bio for publication in her summer employer’s monthly public newsletter…when I asked what she included, she ended by saying the last line included “plans to attend The University of Alabama.”</p>

<p>I guess were committed now. RTR</p>

<p>Kaylynsmom - Actually my son is already away from home as he attends the NC School of Science and Math in Durham, NC, 4 hours from home. It was very hard initially but I have gotten used to his absences now so don’t think Tuscaloosa would be too hard of an adjustment. I have warned him though that it is too far to run home for a short weekend. Of course there is always a plane ride as an (expensive) option if necessary.</p>

<p>We love Clemson (and Dabo), but I did find the Crimson red a bit more pleasing to the eyes than all orange. Both campuses are beautiful as well, albeit in different ways. </p>

<p>As much as I love my Tigers, I would be very happy having my DS at UA.</p>

<p>^clemsonproud, my DS is a NCSSM 2011 grad! He ended up at USC. We are looking at UA for DD, a rising junior who did not choose to apply to NCSSM. DD and I will visit UA in August! I can’t wait! DS didn’t apply. We didn’t discover this forum or US until late in the application game for them.</p>