Our Bama Visit

<p>My D and I visited Bama last week. We were so impressed that I could go on and on. The local person here, Casie Tate was wonderful. She arranged for us to receive personal attention and to meet an admissions representative who was wonderful as well. We did the campus tour, ate lunch in one of the cafeterias, met with an advisor, and we toured the art building. Everything exceeded our expectations and everyone was so nice. People at Bama are happy and it shows. We had pizza on the strip our first night there and the young lady working there spoke to us at length. She has just finished freshman year and couldn’t be happier. The campus is gorgeous and the facilities are wonderful. I could keep going but I will finish by saying that this would be a wonderful college for D- so I pray that it works out that way. Roll tide!</p>

<p>Wow! </p>

<p>Glad to hear that your visit went so well.</p>

<p>Bama is a beautiful place! :)</p>

<p>We live in Fort Lauderdale and just love Casie! She organized a lovely send -off party last weekend at the beautiful home of a local 'Bama Mom (2 daughters attending). There must have been 75 rising UA freshmen there from Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties! The best part of the evening for us was running into other parents and kids that our son had attended pre-school with. It was a wonderful way to make new contacts, renew old contacts, and feel reassured that our son will not feel like so much of an outsider at UA. Casie certainly is a local treasure!</p>

<p>Oh, and ROLL TDE!</p>

<p>We will be attending a send-off party in Orlando on Sunday. Sun is looking forward to meeting some fellow students. I’m so glad UA supports these functions–they really help students and parents!</p>

<p>That’s great news, InvolvedmomFL. Roll Tide!</p>