Going back to school with Academic probation

Hi everyone,
Just looking for some insight, I am looking to go back to school although I left my previous institution with an academic probation status. Many reasons as to why I got put on academic probation when I first transferred to that school I had many issues come up. Including state military activation where I missed a semester. I’m part-time national guard for my state and got called to State active duty twice each fall semester, the first one screwed up everything. Also got in a car accident shortly after and then had to find ways to school because I live off-campus, I use to attend East Carolina University and prior to all the life hinderances I had, I actually hated the school. My advisor told me I wouldn’t be anything there from day one. I already possess an Associate’s degree so this actually made me quite mad. Not saying the stuff I had going on is the reason I did so poorly but the military portion was because I was sent off where I had no internet access or phone access. I had no way to continue my work I was in a disaster zone helping provide supplies which I did have some issues when I returned because I had a professor not willing to let me do an incomplete, anyway during all of the chaos I realized I never had one good experience there and seeing as it’s supposed to be a military-friendly school they were far from it. Well, I left to take time off because I did finally start feeling burned out. I did my associates with no breaks and regretted it. I’m finally at the point where I’m ready to return and go hard all over again so I can complete my Bachelor’s in Biology. I just don’t know where to start. I have two school’s close to where I live now. I was advised about academic forgiveness but that would mean going back to ECU, I can’t because ECU is about 2 hours away from me. North Carolina requires a 2.5 minimum for transfers but I believe my GPA was a 1.6 or 1.7, I’m not sure I haven’t logged onto my school since grade’s posted. Every 90 days it makes me reset my password so I can get on and get a for sure answer. So now I was planning to meet with admissions at both school’s but now that I work during their hours of operations it’s hard but I was told discussing this type of situation is something you handle in person. I’m so lost, I’m more ready than to go back but I have no idea on what to do aside of what I already know and also trying to get a copy of an official transcript from ECU is difficult which I already knew my best friend went before I did and she never received a copy. I just need insight on how to get back into school. I apologize for the unnecessary info just trying to explain things. Also please no hateful comments I may be leaving out some details but we all have gone through things, I’m not perfect nor would I want to be.

Go to the college/university you want to attend. Meet with the transfer admissions officer who is responsible for veterans. Find out what you need to do to apply there. If you can’t be admitted directly to your intended degree program because of your GPA, find our how many classes you can take each term in non-degree status, and how many credits you would need to earn (and with what GPA) in order to be allowed to transition to regular student status.