Going from UC 2nd year to CC to UC?

Hi I’m a 2nd computer science student at UCSC. I’m doing very poorly (averaging a C overall) and not able to afford going school anymore. I’ve accumulated a total of 115 units of quarter credit (with 48 being from AP tests and 67 from classes).

Is it possible for me to drop out of UCSC, go to a CC, and transfer? If so, would my GPA from UCSC transfer to CC? To be honest I’m only looking for UCs that are located in SoCal (because it is closer and thus more affordable). Thank you.

You certainly have enough units to transfer. With a C average though you won’t have many options. Especially when it comes to So Cal UCcs. It wouldn’t hurt to contact UCR tell them you have a family or financial situation that requires you to be in SoCal and see what they say. Maybe they have a hardship transfer path they don’t publicize. Your path of least resistance is probably to stay at UCSC and graduate. Perhaps with a different major.

Good luck.

The first, and most important, question to ask is “why are you getting a ‘C’ average in your classes?” Is this “C” grades in all classwork, or "A"s in your major and "D"s in breadth requirement courses? Are you enjoying your studies in CS?