Going to school when you're sick?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>As you know, winter is approaching (and so are finals :( ) and it is getting cold (especially if you live in IL). Anyways, many of us get sick during this time of the year but we can't afford to miss school. How do you guys get the motivation to not stay home and go to school. I have a hard time with it and it impacts my learning as well. Any tips/suggestions are appreciated</p>

<p>If you’re actually sick beyond the point of a common cold, then it’s not about finding the motivation to go to school, it’s about being smart enough to stay home. If you get sick, stay home because then you won’t be getting everyone else sick (plus you will get better a lot faster if you stay home and rest). </p>

<p>It’s seriously stupid to go to school if you really don’t feel well, have a temperature, are throwing up, etc. </p>

<p>When I’m sick I go to school because I’m too scared to miss out on it. I’m afraid the teacher will talk about me when I’m gone or something. I’m a bit paranoid.</p>

<p>Not wanting to miss a test or a lab or a project or extra credit.</p>

<p>And for guard (which is a seventh period class; most people only have six periods), wanting to get better.</p>