good advice from Cornell on facebook

<p>I found this exceptionally well-written, thoughtful, comprehensive advice. </p>

<p>Students would do well to read and heed this advice before they set up their facebook pages. </p>

<p>I, for one, was not aware of the technical difficulties associated with removing all traces of cached websites from search engines like google and the wayback machine website, even after the student has had second thoughts and edited his facebook page to remove indiscretions.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wisteria- there was just a story on the news yesterday about how employers are checking the face book to get info on perspective employees. I told my d to turn on the tv to catch the story. She did and said she knew all that already and she is careful. She's at Cornell so I guess she is learning something useful.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting that link - </p>

I found this exceptionally well-written, thoughtful, comprehensive advice


<p>I completely agree - </p>

<p>I was also unaware about caching - good to know</p>

I am sure you have all heard that with freedom comes responsibility. Facebook is an excellent example of that sobriquet. No official at Cornell is going to monitor your posting and make suggestions to you about it, good or bad, either way. Most entering freshmen are young adults and we treat you that way. It is time for you to be away from your families and make your own decisions about who you want to be. This is not because Cornell University does not care, its officials care deeply about you and your development. It is just that we all believe you are of an age and maturity that it is time you learned about freedom and responsibility for yourself. It also means, however, that it is up to you to set your own limits and create your own identity and to be responsible for the consequences, given that you live in the real world of rules, judicial discipline, employers with their own interests as well as other people who, like it or not, will make judgments about what they see.


Wise words from the Cornell website. This enhances my already good opinion of Cornell.</p>

<p>This is why I have an email strictly for friends/social (same id as my AIM, msn, other forums) and another one for resumes/internship applications etc.</p>

<p>Just use common sense. Think before you enter something that could come back and haunt you.</p>

<p>BTW.. Google and the Internet Archive are not able to cache facebook profiles (because it uses the Walled-Garden approach) unless you link to your publicly-available facebook url (the one found at on another website.</p>