Good? Bad? What should I think of this e-mail?

<p>Im a transfer applicant in my freshman year at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond VA. I applied to transfer from here to UM after my first semester but my high school didnt get my transcripts to UM on time, so I had my application moved to the fall 05 semester. I had all my necessary materials in awhile ago so I was just waiting for a decision since its already April but on Friday I got an e-mail from someone at UM. It said that she reviewed my college transcripts on Friday and that she would need my spring grades before my application went to the admissions comittee. Does this mean that im borderline? Could I get in with a good spring semester? Because if I was gonna be rejected they would of just rejected me now right? Sorry for all the questions but im kinda worried since UM is my #1 choice and im kinda panicking.</p>

<p>Hey! I'm in the same boat as you are....i'm am also applying as a transfer student. I did not get a request for my mid-semester grades, but I would think it is a good sign becuase at least they still showing interest in you! What are your stats and major?</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>3.3 college gpa and 1110 SAT. My major is english.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm an Econ major with a 3.82, but only after one semester so i don't know if that proves anything and a's my first choice as well! My high school record isn't that great though...</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm an Econ major with a 3.82, but only after one semester so i don't know if that proves anything and a's my first choice as well! My high school record isn't that great though...</p>

<p>Your gpa is really good, way over their average. I think average gpa for transfers is around 3.2. I think my high school gpa is gonna hurt me since its a 2.8.</p>

<p>Yeah, i think my high school grades are going to hurt me as well...but I do have a huge upward trend! How many recs did you send in? What are your ECs like? I called the office of admissions today and they said they needed my Spring semester grades as well! </p>

<p>Think Positive!</p>

<p>I only sent in one rec, it was from my spanish professor. I though it would be a good idea since it was the only class I had with less than 30 people and I was taking spanish 300 as a freshman last semester so im hoping she said something good. My EC's are mostly sports and music stuff. What school are you at? My schools semester ends may 13 so im not gonna hear back probably until maybe late may or early june. Im worried that if I do get in housing might be a problem.</p>

<p>Yeah, my EC's are just sports as well....I'm stuck as the Univ. of San Francisco right of my friends in my dorm building got his acceptance letter last week.....he had a 3.5 GPA here at USF 1200 SATs but his high school GPA was rather high around a 3.6</p>