Good books to pass the time

<p>Anybody have any suggestions for good reads? I need to occupy myself until 5 pm Wednesday >_<</p>

<p>extremely loud and incredibly close---AMAZING post-modern novel</p>

<p>House of Leaves</p>

<p>read it-->become addicted</p>

<p>maybe you've never heard of it, but it actually has its influence on a lot of people</p>

<p>but don't read it after midnight.</p>

<p>yeah i agree, jonathan safran foer is an incredible author. i am reading 2 books- </p>

<p>Living History by Hillary Clinton and...</p>

<p>The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama</p>

<p>it is time i learn more about the political candidates that i will eventually have to choose between</p>

<p>harry potter - classic time killer
gossip girl - if you're a girl
the blind side - good for either sex</p>

<p>or simply WATCH TVVVV. hahahha. gossip girl tv is good too. it's pure drama.</p>

<p>This is really geeky (but so am I): try a Stephen Hawking book, a Brief History of Time. For a genius, he does a great job of making everything fascinating and at the same time understandable to normal people like me. It will definitely get you thinking, and distracted.</p>

<p>i'm currently reading atonement because where i live, it doesn't come out in theaters... limited release</p>

<p>Calvin and Hobbes!</p>

<p>i HATED atonement. i had to read it for school and ughhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe it was because i had to read the entire book in a day that i hated it. my entire life was occupied with that book for one day.</p>

<p>^ Calvin and Hobbes- great pick. I have all of the books and I just reread them.</p>

<p>i LOVED extremely loud and incredibly close. we had to read it for school over the summer but i would read it anyway because it was so good.</p>

<p>Freakonomics! Super interestingg (not stuff you learn in Econ btw...hahha)</p>

<p>haha i'm writing a paper for my econ class based on freakonomics. it's due wednesday, and i definitely should be working on that rather than surfing cc. it is a really interesting book tho. quick read because it's lots of little anecdotes.</p>

<p>You could read Siddhartha and then write an essay on it for me. That would be great. lol jk jk :D</p>

<p>^^ i have to read SID for aplit over winter break!</p>

<p>I have to read it for AP lit by wednesday :(</p>