<p><a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/sat/satguide/SAT_Full.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/sat/satguide/SAT_Full.pdf</a></p>
<p>I have a past sat which does not have any answers. I couldnt find any one line so I thought of linking the test to you guys and then you guys can try out it for good practice. Then we could compare so I have a good idea what I got right and wrong. I finished section 4. Also dont do the analogies. This is pre-2005 but dont be tempted away from it because they are the same.</p>
<p>Post your answers like in a numbered list</p>
so on</p>
<p>that is if you feel like doing it or you stumble across the answer key im looking for. thanks.</p>
<p>Here we go. I will try include a brief explanation of each answer choice, but I only feel like doing one section right now.</p>
<li>(C) Experimental</li>
<li>(B) Advanced…Development</li>
<li>(D) Impeach</li>
<li>(D) Turmoil</li>
<li>(C) Confident…Disclosing</li>
<li>(E) Noncommittal - Total guess, but I know all the other words and they don’t fit.</li>
<li>(B) Consistent with…Undermine</li>
<li>(B) Caustic</li>
<li>(B) Compact…Enervating
10.(A) Machinations - Again, the sentence doesn’t offer much context, but it’s the only one that works.</li>
<p>I’m skipping the analogies…</p>
<li>(B) </li>
<p>The highest CR score I’ve gotten was a 73, for a 233 on the PSAT, so that might hurt my ethos. I did only miss 2 passage Q’s on the January SAT, though…tons of vocab screwed me over. Anyway, hope to hear what you put soon. XD</p>
<p>^ Thats section 1 but thanks for you input anyways. Here are my answers. They are consistent with yours for the most part. And yes the vocab screwed you over.</p>
<li>vociferous (said she didnt like quiet dissent. vociferous means loud)</li>
<li>consistent with…undermine</li>
<li>terse…poignant(poignant means touching. enervating means draining energy)</li>
<li>machinations (basically means crafty subterfuges)</li>
<li>D (had trouble between D and B. Guessed D in the end.)</li>
<li>D (had trouble between D and A but D made more sense in the end)</li>
<p>Dang. Our answers for the passage are very similar except 25. Why did you pick B for 25?</p>
<p>Who knows, maybe you’re right for number 25…I just thought that answer choice B is not really debatable whereas the passage doesn’t specify that the tramp character exercises restraint.</p>
<p>I also did section 4. XD</p>
<li>C </li>
<p>I concur with everything in sentence completions except for number 6 I put depots lol. Yeah, I somehow forgot the connection between bird and aviaries. Good Job.</p>
<p>As for passage based reading we had the same answers except for number 31. I put D, humans create maps not by percieving existing patterns but by inventing patterns to cover up chaos. Again I had it narrowed to A, charting chemicals through Milky way bears little resemblance to mapping terrain, but wasnt the point. The fact that Thaddeus was taken out of his prefered milieu into a forest. Also towards line 50 to 60, it describes how humans breaking down the confusion and recognizing the pattern. Especiall from lines 59-60. So I thought thought that if humans made up the patterns rather than percieve it, it would flaw his argument.</p>
<p>I could certainly be wrong but what do you think?</p>
<p>Also are you up for section 6? This has been really helpful so far :)</p>
<p>I am quite confident about number 6.</p>
<p>Tbh, I didn’t fully grasp number 31. I did, however, get the impression that in lines 60-end the author is saying humans essentially create their own “story”. If the author acknowledges it as true, I figured that D cannot be correct. You reasoning is more sound, though. Congrats.</p>
<p>I’ll do the last section after I go to practice. :)</p>
<p>practice huh. what sport do you play</p>
<p>also did you take the jan sat?</p>
<p>I’m back and I PMed you. Here is the final section:</p>
<li>E? I’m totally ambivalent about this one.</li>
<p>My answers are dead on with yours but I am also having trouble with one and cant pick between A and E.</p>
<p>Wow you did very well on this test! Assuming we’re both right on all the questions except for the ones we disagreed on, I think that means: -1 for you and -3 (I gave myself the disputed question in section 1 because I think I’m right ;)) for me?
I can live with this.</p>
<p>A third opinion would be awesome.</p>