<p>I applied to a bunch of summer programs. I applied to:</p>
<p>Roswell Park High School Summer Research Program
Drexel HSSRI
Upenn Biomedical Research Academy
<p>I got into the Upenn program (it's very expensive) and was waitlisted at the Roswell Park program, though I doubt that anyone would not go to the Roswell Park program and leave an empty spot for me to fill. I was rejected for the Drexel and MITES programs. Is there anything I can still apply for? I don't want to end up stuck with nothing for the summer - the Upenn program costs $7000, which is way too much.</p>
<p>Cornell has a summer program that is still looking for people.</p>
<p>Carleton’s CSSI might still be taking apps, and is cheaper. (edit: nope, sorry, last day for apps was this past Monday).</p>
<p>You might get lucky with Roswell if someone cross applied with programs like Clark that have not sent out their acceptances yet, and they get in there and would prefer that experience.</p>
<p>Not sure your major but if you’re an engineering major Ocean Engineering Experience at MII is still open, someone said TCNJ. I plan to study abroad at Oxford Royale Academy England, (which is just as expensive)
good luck</p>
<p>Just to comment on this, I know someone who went to the Penn Biomedical Research academy, and they said it was not a highly academic experience. While they had fun enjoying life in Philadelphia over the summer, trying new restaurants and chilling on the quad, they did not speak so highly of the actual research component.</p>