<p>I would like to do pre-dental however I was wondering if I would be at a disadvantage if I never took AP Biology in high school. I've only taken some basic biology back in freshman year of high school so I've basically forgotten everything I learned about biology.</p>
<p>Also, what is a good major for pre-dental? I've heard Microbiology, biology, Nutrition and any major that can provide as a "Plan B"</p>
<p>You will not necessarily be at a disadvantage if you didn’t take AP Biology. For the pre-dental majors you mentioned, the core science requirements will be the same across those majors: General/Introductory Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, General Physics, and Calculus. These same core science requirements in those majors generally will meet the admission coursework requirements for dental school. The only possible disadvantage of not having AP biology is that those who took it will have more recent and more in-depth familiarity with basic concepts and facts. However, even if someone did take it, not every school will exempt you from General Biology because they want you to take General Biology in their particular school. Some schools will only exempt you if you get a score of 4 or 5. So, chances are, you’ll still end up taking General Biology, whether or not you’ve had AP Biology in high school, it would be more important that you’ve had solid high school preparation in chemistry, physics, and precalculus or calculus.</p>
<p>Any of those majors you mentioned could be good pre-dental majors.</p>