Good nursing schools for someone with a 3.3 UW GPA?

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
School: Catholic School in MA
Intended Major: Nursing
UW GPA: 3.3
W GPA: 4.1
EC: National Honor Society, French National Honor Society, SADD (2 Years), Newspaper (2 Years). I also hold a part-time job year round.
Volunteer Experience: 400 Hours
SAT: 670 CR, 540 Math, 620 Writing ACT Composite: 28. </p>

<p>Anything? Do you think I have a shot at UMASS Dartmouth?</p>

<p>Are you a junior or senior? What is your class rank? AP classes?</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at UMass Dartmouth, though if you’re a senior I think you missed the window. Where else are you looking?</p>

<p>I’m a junior. My school doesn’t rank, and I’m taking AP Comp/ AP Lit next year.</p>

<p>I would make sure you’ve taken some challenging science classes (AP Bio or AP Chem) as well.</p>

<p>My D has similar stats (though it’s hard to know how to compare GPAs - UMass schools go back and weight your grades by their own formula). Your SATs/ACT are a little higher, her GPA and course difficulty might be a little higher. If you have some APs and honors classes, you’re probably very similar. Similar ECs, though she is also a 3 season varsity athlete. She got into UMass Dartmouth, invited into the honors college, and got a nice merit scholarship! You should plan to apply early to all of your choices if you’re going to apply to nursing. UMass Dartmouth in particular said that EA was the best way to get into nursing. I think you would likely also get into UMass Amherst, UNH, Hartwick, and Keene State if that helps. My D was accepted to those as well (all of her applications), she applied EA to all of them. Good luck!!</p>

<p>My D is a senior this year. She’s leaning towards UNH, but still considering UMass Amherst.</p>

<p>UMass Dartmouth has a Direct Admission/Entry nursing program, so good choice! As for Grades, my daughter applied there and got accepted to the University, but Not the BSN program. She is a 3.0 1280 SAT Student. As suggested above, the more challenging your Math and Science classes are, the better overall. </p>

<p>My daughter got accepted into Drexel’s BSN program. Her stats are below their averages, but at their accepted freshman welcoming meeting, their dean of admissions spoke a lot about the high level of Volunteerism that their incoming class had.</p>

<p>Also, from personal experience, we would strongly suggest a campus visit this summer. But more importantly, take the Initiative to make an appointment to Meet in Person someone from the Nursing school administration. We did that at 7 different schools, and we think it made a difference. </p>

<p>The admissions process is a “Mystery”. GPA and SAT/ACT alone does not guarantee admission to any school. It doesn’t hurt of course, but we found that most schools look at the Whole person.</p>

<p>For a List of schools that offer Direct Admission, check out <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; and <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good Luck!</p>