Good Pre-Med Schools

<p>Well i was thinking i should transfer or not; but i guess i should just stay and do my best, yea?</p>


<p>Trying to predict relative GPAs is an exercise in futility. If you dislike your current environment, then transfer.</p>

<p>Are there any med schools with a higher than 50% acceptance rate?</p>


<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

from <a href=""&gt;;/a>
No MCAT required
No Bachelors Degree required


<p>.. wow</p>

<p>lol. 10char</p>

<p>Has anybody here mentioned UC Davis? I know it's not an Ivy-League school, but it does have it's own medical school, and there are countless internship opportunities for students. </p>

<p>Also, aside from African Americans and Puerto Ricans, according to AAMC FACTS, UC Davis is on the list of universities that produces the most med-school applicants each year.</p>

<p>(<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>


<p>All of this information should be put in perspective for the college applicant who wants to become a physician. </p>

<li><p>The elite private colleges will provide you with a much better than average chance of getting into medical school (>70% with no screening/weeding vs. <50% with possible screening/weeding at most places)</p></li>
<li><p>You will probably only be admitted to one or two of the elite schools you apply to anyways.</p></li>
<li><p>Since you may change your mind, it's best to go the place that best suits you.</p></li>
<li><p>Don't forget to enjoy college.</p></li>

<p>You will probably be admitted to no medical schools whatsoever. You will almost certainly not be admitted to any of the "elite schools" you apply to, however you choose to define it. Even shockingly well-qualified students will probably only be admitted to one or two.</p>

<p>I'm not sure I agree with #1 and #2. It's hard to determine what part of the high acceptance rate to med school is attributable to the private elite college and what part is attributable to the individual effort.</p>

<p>Sophie Davis is an excellent 7 year medical school</p>

<p>UC Davis and Sophie Davis aren't the same. One is an university, the other is a bs/md program.</p>

<p>How is NYU for a regular pre med program?</p>

<p>I swore that I wouldn't post in this thread, but then mahavir10 came along.</p>

<p>NYU is pretty good, I think. I graduated this last May. My classmates and I went all over for medical school - Drexel, UMiami, Harvard, Columbia, Duke, NYU, Mount Sinai, AECOM, on and on. The classes are good - I really don't think they're cutthroat-hard, but it's not a walk in Washington Square Park, either. But if you're willing to work and if you follow NYU Pre-professional Advising's advice, I'm sure you'll be a successful applicant.</p>

<p>how is the premed programs as occidental, weselyan, usc, pomona, and oberlin?
if i am a 3.8 student in high school and have taken 4 aps and a handful of honors classes, in which would i be a generally top student?

<p>I'm not sure about those schools, but its impossible to tell where you'll be a top student. It all depends on how hard you work and how much natural ability you have. Also, its difficult to say anything based on those stats from high school because all high schools are different. </p>

<p>Also, i'm sure you'll find a very fair amount of competition at all of the schools that you listed.</p>

<p>do you know any of the stats for those colleges, such as acceptance rate into med school?

<p>So, I feel a bit lame considering my choices for Pre-Med:</p>

<p>1) MU Conley Scholars Med Program
2) UMKC 6-year Med Program
3) Cornell
4) SLU med scholar's program
5) Brown plme</p>

<p>any opinions?!?! Are they good schools? Would my life end if I didn't get into any of those (goodness forbid)?</p>

Would my life end if I didn't get into any of those

No .</p>

<p>hey shades_children,</p>

<p>how is drexel U pre med applying as a freshmen transfer pre med from NYIT ? do you know their requirements? any other good pre med schools to consider as a transfer?</p>

<p>appreciate it.</p>