Good resources for my AP's?

<p>So I have finally compiled a list of resources to buy for my AP's, and was wondering if I found the best materials. These are all independent study, btw:</p>

<p>AP Euro:
-Modern European History (Viault)
-Princeton Review
-A History of Western Society: Since 1300 (mcKay and others): is this the right book and edition?</p>

<p>AP World:
-World Civilizations: The Global Experience (World Civilizations Vol. 1, Stearns): Is this the right volume or do I need volume 2? Will this book get me a 5?</p>

<p>-Princeton Review</p>

<p>AP Art History:
-The Annotated Mona Lisa
-Gardner's Art Through The Ages
-REA (2nd edition)?</p>

<p>AP Comparative Gov:
-the Ethel Woods book (4th edition-the latest one)
-Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (Kesselman)</p>

<p>AP Macro and Micro Economics:
-So far only the Princeton Review book, any other suggestions? Like a textbook? </p>

<p>Thanks! And if you have other suggestions I would greatly appreciate it :)</p>

<p>Also: Is there anything out there to self-study AP English Lit? Like a textbook or a good review book? I haven't really seen much. </p>


<p>I can’t help you with the others, but for AP Euro you made a great choice with McKay. We used that textbook in my class and it was essentially the basis of studies for the subject. McKay (+ Barron’s at the end) got me a 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>So I can tell you that you have chosen some good resources for AP Euro. Sorry I can’t help with the others, though.</p>

<p>you’re set. Well for world history, you need volume 2 since volume 1 will only cover half of the apwh material.</p>

<p>@Jerrry: So the text is fine, but I need both volumes? That’s a ton of pages :stuck_out_tongue: Anything I can skip?</p>

<p>@FallenAngel9: Okay, thanks! So this is the right edition and book? I know there are a lot out there, so I want to make sure I got the right one. </p>


<p>What’s the best prep book for AP Euro??? Barrons? PR? I already have modern european history…</p>

<p>definitely use 5 steps to a 5 for the Economics. Don’t give it any second thought, just buy it!</p>

<p>100% agree with thatguyinclass =] i love that book, helped me ace every test we’ve had so far.</p>

<p>AP World is a pretty easy test content wise imo, DBQ’s were the only thing i had trouble with. I never studied for the test or ever took notes in class and just read through assigned chapters in our book and ended up with a 5. I think just reading chapter summaries (Stearns textbook) will be enough to get you a 5. They can be accessed online at [Student</a> Resources](<a href=“Site Retired”>Site Retired)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone :)</p>

<p>And Nightvisitor, what chapter in Stearns did you go to? That link was super helpful, and I plan on printing out all of the summaries, but I also ordered the textbook. Do I need to read all 36 chapters for the test?</p>

<p>You have to read all the chapters. I know it’s about 1000 pages, but a bunch of APWH students have to go through with that, unless they go by study guides. Hope you do well on the APWH exam.</p>

<p>Thanks, jerrry4445, and I assume you are referring to the AP edition? Cuz there are like 50 different texts from Stearns and searching through them all is really annoying (I don’t want to spend <em>too</em> much). I could get volume one and two for like $10, but I don’t want to read two whole volumes. Maybe I’ll try abe books and see what I can find.</p>