<p>hey i just got accepted to my first choice college as an open options school of culture and society major. i really want to be a doctor but i know that i do not want to major in bio, just take a regular pre-med track. i want to major in something fun and interesting. these are some of my ideas and i was wondering if i could get any feedback or suggestions? thanks ;)
1. English
2. Political Science
3. Psychology</p>
<p>Whichever you like best, will get you as close to a 4.0 as possible, get you great recommendation letters, get you your pre-med requirements, give you time to do great extracurriculars, and make you do well on the MCAT.</p>
<p>I think Psych is the most fun because there are so many interesting things you learn that have to do with personality, behavior, and relationships. You learn things like physiological, cognitive, social, abnormal, and developmental psychology, which to me, is more fun than reading and analyzing literature in english classes :)</p>