got f on my chem 103

<p>hey guys..
i took 3 classes last semester
and i failed my chem 103 ...
i got b on my math 221 and ab on ece252..
but my gpa is 2.0
am i getting academic prohibition?
i think i'm in really huge trouble?
whwat should i do?
i'm freshmen and i'm really worried about it...</p>

<p>oh and i am planning on majoring in computer engineering</p>

<p>You should schedule an appointment with your advisor, and likely re-take Chem 103.</p>

<p>According to this, you ARE on academic probation:</p>

<p>Probation. A student is placed on academic probation when, in the semester just completed, that student has: (a) attained less than a 2.0 GPA or (b) passed fewer than 12 credits without part-time permission from the dean. Once on probation, the student is continued on probation until either removed from probation or dropped.</p>

<p>Removal from probation. All of the following requirements must be satisfied for the removal of a student from academic probation:</p>

<p>-a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0;
-a GPA of at least 2.0 for the semester just completed;
-at least 12 credits must have been passed in the semester just completed;
-a total of at least 24 degree credits must have been passed in the two most recent semesters in residence.</p>

<p><a href=“Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison”>Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison;

<p>but i’m international stduent
and i also passed esl 115 which is 3 credit</p>

<p>Did you pass 12 credits? If so, then you are not on academic probation. But I believe you need to retake Chem 103 (do you need both Chem 103 and Chem 104 for engineering)?</p>

<p>since i failed chem, i did not… i have only 10 credit…
what are the disadvantages for being academic prohibition??
i talked to my professor and he said i have to retake chem 103.
i need both 103 and 104…
so even if i get a on spring semester, i’m gonna get C ?
is there any way that i earse that grade?
damm… my life is doomed…
i’m going to take next summer so that i can get into college of engineering before my third grade.</p>

<p>If you log in to the ‘Student Center’ at you should be able to see who your academic advisor is. You can email that person to get answers to your questions. Your life is not doomed, you learned a lesson and can now move forward and re-take Chem 103 and get tutoring help.</p>

<p>i already sent mail but she is coming back at 10th…
anyway… thx for helping me…</p>

<p>is there any chance of me get back on the track??.
i mean if i try…
i am really shocked by F that i got…
it feels like im such a loser…
and 2.0 GPA.? …
can i bring them up if i try harder?..</p>

<p>Don’t feel too bad about the probation. At any given time there are a lot of students on probation. Pick up your grades in future semesters and it will be a thing of the past. You have plenty of time.</p>

<p>It will be difficult to get the F erased. You’ll have to petition to have it removed from your transcript. This is not frequently granted as I understand it, even if you repeat the course with a good grade. You’ll need to cite special circumstances.</p>

<p>This student’s post points up a big drawback of UW. It’s a school with many great qualities and deserves its good reputation, but the rigor of the grading is a problem. Curves are not generous and professors don’t hesitate to fail students. That leaves a lot of kids, even very bright ones, with unsightly transcripts at the end of four years, with a distinct disadvantage in graduate and professional school admissions and the job market.</p>

<p>Yes, UW chemistry classes are notoriously difficult. Just don’t make the same mistakes twice. You’ll have to go to all the lectures, read the text, do all the HW, go to office hours, etc.</p>

<p>Sunggon: many UW science classes offer ‘optional’ discussion sections, some even beyond the normal lecture/lab/discussion triumvirate. If offered, take them. Did a world of good for my D.</p>

<p>According to the Registrar’s grade distribution report for the previous year, fall 2009 semester, 2.4% of students in Chem 103 failed the course (total students enrolled 1,845).</p>


<p>Knowing the psychology of taking a tough class (as in getting yourself ‘psyched-up’) can also help with passing the class. </p>

<p>There’s been a lot of research into this. See this article: ‘[The</a> Effort Effect](<a href=“Page Not Found”>Page Not Found)’.</p>

<p>thx guys !!
really …
i usually had 4.1/4.3 gpa on my high school so this was really chaotic for me and you guys gave me courage.
i guess only that i have to do now is study harder and get better grades from future classes…
thx so much!!</p>

<p>Make use of the UW resources. Your advisor. Office hours for both your professor and TA. Any others.</p>

idk … may be it is becuae im internatioal student but my ta was really unclear about insturtions and it cost me tons of points…
so nest semester, i will really have to learn to communicate…</p>